A Book Trailer to Remember

I received a myspace friend request today from, Yu- Han Chao, a young Taiwanese woman living in California. She’s promoting her collection of stories, PASSPORT BABY, and she came up with this video book trailer. Here’s the quote she offers from the book: “You know what yuan zu socializing is, right? Like in Japan, the high school girls date older, usually married men in exchange for money, that kind of socializing. Yuan zu, to help the girls’ pockets. You know how expensive clothes and cute knick knacks are in Japan. Don’t be too fast to judge them, though, don’t call the Japanese middle-aged men perverts and the schoolgirls who sell their company, used underwear, and sometimes bodies, prostitutes. It happens in Taiwan, too…” (Passport Baby, Yu-Han Chao)

There are lots of relevant discussions on the web about book trailers, but, really, they rarely get any better than Yu-Han Chao’s. Though I confess that I never get tired of seeing this one: 😉

6 thoughts on “A Book Trailer to Remember”

  1. eu says:

    Hi, it’s nice to see you in this forum! Thanks for the nice mention of my video–it was originally made as a joke with my friends.

    That ghost one really scared me.

  2. Laura says:

    Friends often make the best directors!

    I’m glad you found the trailer for ISABELLA MOON scary. I was so thrilled when my friend Andy (of abeedle.com) produced it for me–I hope the novel is half as affecting for folks.

    Thanks for commenting!

  3. Sophie says:

    hey laura – my girl sally and i watched your trailer together – we *love* it, it’s so deliciously creepy!!!

  4. Laura says:

    Hey, Sophie! I know Sally is older, but when my eight year-old came to see it when the whole family gathered around the computer, he got this stricken look on his face and said, “That’s nice, Mommy,” and ran from the room!

    I wonder if it’s hard for kids to have us writers for parents?

  5. Joe P. Frick says:

    You have my address and phone number to pass on to this chick, right? If not, that can be remedied…

  6. Laura says:

    She’s on my myspace friend page. Be nice!

    *sigh* I’m such an enabler.

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