A New Cover From Across the Pond

I was going to wait until tomorrow to post this, but I have no patience whatsoever!

Here’s the U.K. cover of Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts. It will be available here, though they usually make a US import copy available close to the North American release date (Dec 30).

I just love it!

6 thoughts on “A New Cover From Across the Pond”

  1. Hey beautiful Laura,

    I LOVE the cover — it’s really great!

  2. I love both covers. I can’t decide which one I like better.

  3. Larramie says:

    Lovely is right. This UK cover and text has this reader wondering.

  4. Laura says:

    Thank you all for letting me know what you think! I couldn’t possibly choose between them, and I’m so glad I don’t have to!

  5. JJ Cooper says:

    Wow. I love this cover, Laura. Brilliant.


  6. Laura says:

    Thanks, JJ. I’m so glad you popped in! I expect that’s the version you’ll be seeing–at least I think I’ll be in au this go-round….

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