A Present? For Me?

Look what showed up in my mail this week. How cute is it?!

While at Bouchercon 2011, I spent a couple of hours at the International Thriller Writers’ (ITW) table, handing out membership brochures and extolling the virtues of ThrillerFest. It was an absolute pleasure to hang out there because I got to meet many folks, trade stories, and drink tea, all while sitting down. (Why is it that cute shoes so often wear like torture implements?)

One of the lovely people who stopped by was Linda Rohrbough. She was actually there to deliver one of her special Writer’s Clocks to Dennis Kennett, the hard-volunteering spouse of writer Shirley Kennett. When Linda showed it to me, my eyes got very wide, and I said, “Oooooh, that’s cool!” (Because I know all the hip slang, you know.) Dennis’s clock was red. Like a shiny car. I tucked it beneath the table and promised to pass it on to him.

Linda and I chatted for a while, and she told me her remarkable story of writing, tragedy, recovery, and courage. You can read about it all at her website. She’s an unflaggingly positive force of nature.

At some point, Linda said that she would send me a clock. And she did. I love it! You can get one, too.

Check out the progression of hours carefully. It makes a disturbing amount of sense.

Thanks, Linda!