All The Nice Things Said About Charlotte and Her Story

Sometimes I get shy. Really shy. But I come by it honestly. I grew up being told that it was a Very Bad Thing to draw attention to oneself. So I guess I’ve picked a pretty strange career, right? Being a writer requires an odd combination of personal skills: an ability to spend hours, days and weeks alone, and a willingness to step out and shout from a rooftop or two. Talk about a contradiction.


I write for you. I write books and stories to be read by you and others. And while conferences, bookstore and festival visits, and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are useful to get the word out, I can’t reach everyone on my own. Fortunately, there are lots of nice folks out there who review books, blog about them, and even like to do interviews.

So here’s a list of many of the reviews, interviews, and blogs that have come out in the last couple of months for Charlotte’s Story: A Bliss House Novel. (It doesn’t include all the wonderful reviews on sites like Goodreads and–reviews that are very much appreciated. They really spread the word.) Please do let me know if I’ve missed something. Thanks for reading!


International Thriller Writers (ITW) Big Thrill Interview

In Her Room (Audio Interview)

LitChat (Twitter Interview/Chat; link to ChatScript)

Crimespree Magazine Interview (Video–The camera was running for about a minute before we started, so if you want to watch me grin maniacally/nervously for many seconds before an interview, this is definitely for you!)


Publisher’s Weekly

Richmond Times-Dispatch

Review From Here

It’s A Mad Mad World

Open Book Society

The Reader’s Hollow

Buried Under Books


Guest Blog Posts (In which I go a-visiting!)

She Reads (My thoughts on Faith and Fiction)

Romantic Imperative (Strangers on a Train)

Pop Culture Nerd (All About Creepy Anatomical Dolls. Boo!)

Confessions of a Margaret Atwood Fangirl (Bibliophile)

No More Grumpy Bookseller (In which I write about the unusual habits of families and friends who bathe together. Includes a link to Becky LeJeune’s review, too.)


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One thought on “All The Nice Things Said About Charlotte and Her Story”

  1. skyecaitlin says:

    Laura; I entered your giveaway; this book, as well as others looks wonderful.

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