What do you do with a free hour or two? Doesn’t it feel delicious to realize that you don’t have to be anywhere for a while, and no one is waiting for you to do something? Back in January, when I finished my St. Louis writing retreat, I had a couple of hours before I needed to leave on the two-hour drive home. St. Louis is a big city, and I don’t do well with too many choices. I often just end up at one of the big malls to shop at stores like Papyrus and L’Occitane, and, of course, Godiva–stores we certainly don’t have in our little town. It’s fun to buy treats to take them home. Okay. Usually the treats are for me, but I do bring the guys chocolate.
But I was in a mellow and rather celebratory mood, and the idea of taking that mood to the mall felt oddly repugnant–a strong word, but yes. I needed to feed my soul, which was a bit empty given all I’d poured onto the page. So I went to the St. Louis Art Museum, which is one of my happy places. Here are a few photos. I took many, but there is no theme. Apologies for not getting all the artist info. I didn’t even think about attributions until I was halfway through.

Detail from an early 20th century American fabric (political theme)

French etchings on life in wartime. (Taken through a magnifying glass)

Some crazy lady with a camera.

Vase (stoneware with slip glaze), Kitamuro Junko, 1991

(This is one of my favorite pieces in the museum. It gets two perspectives.)

Veronica’s Veil, Federico Castellon, 1937

Interior and Exterior, Willam Zorach, 1919

Shop Window, Reginald Marsh, 1934
March 6th Words
Journal: 450 words
Long fiction: 0 words
Short fiction: 0
Non-fiction: 0 words
Blogging: words
Exercise: Pilates 30 minutes, Yoga 15 minutes
Gasp! Awesome, Lady! I adore the stained glass! I also love Veronica’s Veil, what an unusual idea ( Veronica of the Via Dolorosa). You make a lovely ‘crazy lady with a camera. How is the weather where you are? I am seeing crazy weather reports of every kind with major fires, too.
We have had crazy weather. It was definitely calmed as the week has progressed, but there were tornadoes in the area last week, and brutal winds and rain just Monday night. I’m so glad you like the photographs. Stained glass and pottery–two of my favorite things to seek out at museums…