Artist Date With the Past

At the end of last summer I took myself on an Artist Date to Marion, IL, which isn’t far from here. Marion was holding a festival with a car show in their town square, and I particularly wanted to hear my friend, Andrew Staff, and his band, The Swamp Tigers, play. Here’s that post. So many cool vintage cars. But I also wandered over to a shop off the square called Picker’s Paradise. I bought a couple of vases and some glassware, but mostly had a lovely time looking at all the fun vintage things. The sisters who own the shop were so sweet and let me take all the photos I wanted.

Is it just me, or do things always seem more interesting when they’re outside on a table?


We are in the Land of Lincoln, after all.


So. Much. Stuff.


Darling china things.


Maybe for the place at the lake?


You know there had to be one “my grandmother had,” right? She actually had the orange juice glasses as well as the green Greek figure glasses on the top shelf. Also, the blue and white starburst tumblers on the bottom.


One grouchy bunny.


This one speaks for itself, though I find what it’s saying rather terrifying.


Fetching hat.


I love how this looks like a still from a horror film about unruly ghost children. Definitely my favorite.


A couple of my purchases. Not expensive, but treasures to me.



January 30th Words

Journal: 330  words

Long fiction: 689 words

Short fiction: 0 words

Non-fiction: 0 words

Blogging: 262  words

Exercise: Domestic Goddess Day. Lots of vacuuming, etc.

3 thoughts on “Artist Date With the Past”

  1. skyecaitlin says:

    Lovely, Laura: I have never been to your state, but many years ago, my area of NJ was all Americana antiques and historical cites ( now, it has grown into a huge metropolis). These photos of curios are lovely and remind me of the days of past.

    1. Laura Benedict says:

      Oh, that sounds like such a loss. I haven’t spent much time in NJ– only a quick visit to Saddle River and a few to Princeton. How sad to have that history overwhelmed.

      1. skyecaitlin says:

        I don’t live far from Princeton, and my work is vetted from there. Things have changed, though; I live in a small historical town fashioned and named after a towne in England.

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