After the Storm #1

January 17, 2017 by - 2 Comments

We had two big storms last week, and I rushed outside after each with my camera and took a hundred photos. I’d love to put them all up at once, but I think I’ll spread them out over a few weeks. The second was an ice storm–very dramatic. The first was all rain, with 30 mph …Read More

Sunday, 15 January 2017

January 15, 2017 by - 2 Comments

    Happy Sunday from good dog Scout, who hopes you can find half the happiness he feels when he has his favorite stick (hint: every stick is his favorite stick).       “A good heart is better than all the heads in the world.” — Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton     January 14th Words …Read More

Saturday Serendipity

January 14, 2017 by - 2 Comments

          Happy Saturday! This is my second Saturday putting up a post, so it means I’ve posted every day for over a week. I didn’t start out last week to blog every day, but I’m really enjoying giving it a shot. I didn’t quite meet my goal of working on the …Read More

Friday the 13th: My Beloved

January 13, 2017 by - 5 Comments

      I like to think of Friday the 13th as a little Halloween. And I love that it happens this time in the middle of winter. Winter is a great time for spooky stories. Years ago, I wrote and recorded a spooky flash story about one of my biggest fears for Weekend America. …Read More

Fear is Sticky

January 12, 2017 by - 3 Comments

  Fear is sticky. If you know me and my work at all, you know I think a lot about fear. Fear is like wet glue. Honey. Spilled soda. Taffy that you’ve played with, leaving your hands a mess. If you carry fear with you all the time, it gets on everything you come close …Read More

What I’m Reading This Week, 1/11/17

January 11, 2017 by -

I just went through a period of having to read many books I wouldn’t necessarily have chosen for myself for a project. So these past weeks I’ve felt like a kid again, reading anything I want. How glorious! My taste in pleasure reading is very eclectic–everything from crime fiction to biographies to non-fiction. Throw in …Read More

Winter Light

January 10, 2017 by -

I’ve been hyper-aware of light this winter. I don’t think I ever really noticed before how it changes every second. My awareness began last month when I realized I’d temporarily forgotten that I have SAD, and have to artificially up my daylight quotient. (One of the reasons we moved away from Michigan after two years was the …Read More

Food + Shame, a Recipe for Making Monsters

January 9, 2017 by - 11 Comments

    “Once more unto the breech, dear friends, once more.” –Shakespeare (HenryV) “I think you might have body dysmorphia.” –Darling Daughter “No one wants to hear the skinny girl complain about being fat.” –Darling Husband   It’s that time of year again. Back on October 29th or so, I heard a news byte that …Read More

Saturday the 7th

January 8, 2017 by -

A perfect day of reading, writing, relaxing, and taking photos. Also, a couple loads of laundry for balance. (There may have been a nap involved, as well.) I’m solidly into the final third of the novel, and eager to finish in the next 2-3 weeks. I need a lot more days like today. Tomorrow we …Read More

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