A Day to Breathe

November 24, 2011 by - 5 Comments

For a moment there, I forgot to breathe. Has that ever happened to you? I used to worry about breathing a lot when I was a kid–suddenly remembering that I had to take a breath every few seconds, or I would die.  I would take control of my breath, think about breathing in, breathing out, …Read More

Food Is Love, and I Love Everybody

November 14, 2011 by - 1 Comment

Food is love. I’ve tried to fight it, but it’s endlessly, hopelessly true for me. This weekend, my beloved in-laws came for a visit. What did I plan? Hikes and family bowling tournaments? An afternoon of firearms fun on the family range? A Monopoly marathon? No. I planned meals. Many of them. I kept the …Read More

It Really Does Take a Village

November 9, 2011 by - 1 Comment

I want to tell you about something that made me feel sad and frustrated. Recently, a friend and I stopped by a nearby drugstore to pick up some evening supplies–beer, some ice cream, chips and some candy. The Benedicts were having a small, impromptu party after a very pleasant dinner with friends and colleagues. I …Read More

SURREAL SOUTH ’11 Has Arrived

October 31, 2011 by -

It’s finally that time of year! (No, not that time of year.) We Benedicts have taken the wraps off of our latest spooky-but-also-beautiful literary baby, Surreal South ’11.  It’s ready to jump into to your arms and delight you with twisted tales of ghosts and monsters told by some of the smartest, most devious writers we know. …Read More

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