Thanksgiving Saturday Serendipity

November 25, 2017 by - 4 Comments
Every Saturday, Rain or Shine

Pot Luck Links (I blame my turkey/sugar/champagne indulgence!) TestMyBrain is my new favorite brain/personality analysis site. Your answers are put into studies and used by scientists. Turns out I’m weirdly good at recognizing famous faces out of context. Stomach flu has zero respect for the holidays. Keys to staying healthy so you can have more …Read More

Thanksgiving Blessings

November 23, 2017 by - 4 Comments

  The pies are made, the veggies are chopped, and the champagne is chilling. Family is gathered and everyone has brought lots of love along. This is already my favorite Thanksgiving. If I didn’t thank God today, then I would be remiss. My blessings overflow, and I am astonished and grateful. Thank you for being …Read More

Miss Nina Garcia, A Forever Cat

November 21, 2017 by - 3 Comments

Seven years ago, on the Monday night before Thanksgiving, a tiny black and white kitten wandered up our driveway and into our hearts. My kids first thought it was a small skunk, but it began meowing. It meowed not just at my kids, but at the two excited dogs who were very interested in it. …Read More


November 19, 2017 by - 1 Comment

  Let peace, descending from her native heaven, bid her olives spring amidst the joyful nations; and plenty, in league with commerce, scatter blessings from her copious hand! –Daniel Boone When I think of the concept of plenty, my mind immediately goes to food. (No surprise.) We are surrounded by agriculture where we live, and …Read More

Saturday Serendipity, 18 November 2017

November 18, 2017 by - 3 Comments
Every Saturday, Rain or Shine

    Greetings, my dears! I’ve been in the editing lair with my head down, second jammies on (yoga pants, hoodie, Uggs), and faithful pups at my feet. My apologies for not being in touch. Links are tardy today, but I hope you find something fun. (If you’re in the States, how are your Thanksgiving …Read More

Daughter (Reprise)

November 15, 2017 by - 3 Comments

One of my favorite posts from back in 2010. It was a thrill to write this short story to accompany this Emily Benedict Coleman painting for the Lewisburg Literary Festival.   DAUGHTER     Run, daughter, run. I cast no blame, my darling girl. The blood that stains our rough-hewn floor will bear no witness: …Read More

Tuesday Photos: Adoring the Burning Bush

November 14, 2017 by - 5 Comments

Eleven years ago, the Burning Bush beside our driveway was small and lonely and I thought of taking it out. It’s turned into a true beauty. I love its passionate reds and pinks, and am so glad it’s still with us. Can’t help taking a hundred photos of it every fall. I need to go …Read More

About Time

November 13, 2017 by - 5 Comments

    The time has come to brush up on my scheduling. I’m an inconsistent scheduler–resistant and yes, a bit lazy. I’ll set goals and forget what they were the next day. Two weeks in a row I’ll neatly and colorfully lay out my bullet journal, only to forget to consult it. Or I’ll consult …Read More

Goodness By and By

November 12, 2017 by - 2 Comments

  Endure and persist; this pain will turn to good by and by. –Ovid November roses are symbols of persistence and resilience. The frosts have begun, and sometimes half the blossoms on a bush will die, their petals curling and turning brown. But some flowers stay bright through several frosts. Eventually they’ll all be gone, …Read More

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