Bacon Date

Pinckney and I have always had a fairly unconventional daily schedule, given that we’re both writers. His various year-round academic duties keep him busy at odd times, as well.  Back before we had kids, we had lovely evening dinner dates. We even went to *gasp* parties with other adults. And, wonder of wonders, I think we even spent time in a bar or two. Drinking. Now, hardly a week goes by that we don’t look at each other and opine that we just don’t drink enough. We’re certain that we’re missing something.

Gone are those cozy, after-dinner, cognac-sharing tete-a-tetes. These days, after dinner at home, or out with the kids (and after Bengal’s homework), we tend to disappear to our offices to finish up work, or crash with a book or the t.v. before we go comatose.

Who has the energy to plan or strategize or even tell jokes or talk about books or gossip after the sun goes down? Strategy and planning are important in a marriage. It’s critical to be able to touch base. Heck, it’s critical just to look into each other’s sleep-deprived eyes and say, Hey, don’t I know you? How are things?

P and I do our best strategizing, talking, cooing, arguing, gossiping, updating, and dreaming over…bacon.

Our very favorite bacon date place is the small, unprepossessing Annie Mae’s Restaurant in Murphysboro, IL. There are other fancier and hipper restaurants in the Carbondale/Murphysboro area that serve the blessed bacon meat–but, for us, none have the cachet of Annie Mae’s.

Fridays and Saturdays, they have a morning buffet: biscuits/gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes, French Toast, BACON, special bake–see below. (Dinner buffet, Monday-Saturday)

Here’s P dishing up some scrambled eggs. (See the bacon!)

I don’t know who the man in the hat is, but this shot gives you a decent look at the dining room.

Ummmmmmm. Bacon!

They always have fried, diced potatoes on the buffet, but I’m a hash browns girl. These hash browns are HEAVEN.

Here’s my morning glamour shot. Squinty-eyed, laughing, no make-up. See how much I trust you?!

P is always far more dignified.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the Annie Mae’s bake. I had a taste of P’s. It has bacon, biscuits and gravy, and lots of cheese. (Angioplasty on the side.) It was pretty yummy, though I’m not a gravy girl. Not for breakfast.

(You’re looking for fruit, aren’t you? There’s maple syrup for the *killer* pancakes. That should count. You can always order orange juice.)

Buffet for two, including tax and drinks runs about $15-$16. Totally worth it. Our servers and the cook were a little camera shy, but they were lovely ladies.

Where you pay. The check doesn’t come to the table–you go to it. That’s fine, because it gives everyone a chance to chat and say Thank You.

Farewell from the parking lot.

Does you have an Annie Mae’s Restaurant? If not, you should definitely find one. Everyone needs somewhere to go to eat bacon, and make plans for world domination.

4 thoughts on “Bacon Date”

  1. carmar76 says:

    I *heart* bacon, too! I like mine extra crispy. : ) Looks like a nice place to have a breakfast buffet, and thanks for the pictures – you two are cute as always! : )

  2. Hi, sweet Carrie Marie. We are, indeed, shameless bacon fans, as you can see. I like mine floppy–P is a crispy guy. Thanks for liking the pics. I love my new camera! xo

  3. Cin says:

    I’ve recently become a fan of baking bacon. Then, I can make lots of it while not standing over the stove and getting splattered. and, yes, everyone needs a bacon date occasionally!

  4. Hey beautiful,

    That looks LOVELY! You look gorgeous and P is adorable at the buffet. Really sweet. Need to find an Annie Mae’s . . . .

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