Blogging for Patry (repost from MySpace)

Do you know Patry Francis? She’s the author of THE LIAR’S DIARY, an engaging, character-driven thriller with one of the most memorably unreliable narrators I’ve ever read. THE LIAR’S DIARY was released in hardcover last spring, but this fall, Patry was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer.

I met Patry on myspace and read THE LIAR’S DIARY when it first came out. I was immediately enchanted. Then I met Patry in person at Thrillerfest in July–and I realized why I liked her book and blog so much. She’s just one of those people who has a lovely, generous light about her. You can get to know her yourself at her inspiring and unsentimental blog, Simply Wait.

THE LIAR’S DIARY will be out in paperback on January 29th. As you can imagine, Patry won’t be much up to promoting its release–so a few of us writer/blogger types are declaring the 29th as THE LIAR’S DIARY blog day! We’re inviting folks to get involved somehow, to review the book, give Patry’s website a mention, have a liar’s-theme contest, or even just ask everyone to buy a book and give one to a friend. (Paperbacks are cheap!) Already, one company has offered to do a video for Patry and Brilliance Audio (which also published ISABELLA MOON) is providing free audio clips.

As bloggers let us know they want to be involved, we’re passing on the list to her publishers, Dutton, so they will give her publicity a boost as well.

The wildly energetic Susan Henderson at Lit Park has a great list of folks who are already on board. Pay special attention to the names of Karen Dionne (Backspace)and Jessica Keener, as well–along with Susan, they’re moving and shaking things for Patry.

If you blog, here or somewhere else, won’t you get involved? If you do, let me know before the 29th and I’ll link to your site! If you have any questions, you can ask them here, or drop me an email at

Sending you many blessings in advance! L.

11 thoughts on “Blogging for Patry (repost from MySpace)”

  1. JT says:

    Hi Laura – I will be participating!

  2. rdl says:

    I will definitely be participating! Thanks for doing this!

  3. Count me in – I’ll write about Patry’s book’s release in paperback on Jan. 29th. Tara Bradford at Paris Parfait

  4. kyra says:

    i would love to participate! i’m going to order her book this second!


    here’s my url:

  5. Therese says:

    I adore Patry and loved TLD; count me in as a blogger-promoter on the 29th.

    Therese Fowler
    Making it Up

  6. I’m very pleased to be a part of Patry’s day! I’ve read TLD, loved it, and plan to promote it and Patry on my blog, my website, and the numerous other sites I belong to on January 29th!

  7. Anonymous says:

    What a wonderful idea to help an author.
    I’ll be blogging about Patry tomorrow at Island Writer.

  8. Laura, thanks again for your email! I’m writing my post now and am SO looking forward to reading everyone else’s posts tomorrow. The list of participants on Susan Henderson’s blog is a mile long!! K.

  9. Jerri says:

    I’ll be blogging about Patry’s book tomorrow. It’s an honor to participate, and I thank you for the opportunity.

  10. Sky says:

    Hi – just a note to say my post is up in celebration of The Liar’s Diary and its publicity campaign. Please add my name.

  11. Laura says:

    Thanks so very much, everyone. I’m so glad you came by! I can’t wait to check out your blogs tomorrow! (Today!)

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