Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts is Here!

Some novelists envision their novels in fragments, writing a climactic scene or even the ending first. But I started at the beginning with Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts, describing the strange little ritual three teenage girls had come up with to conjure up a boyfriend (never would they have used the word “lover”) for themselves. The scene with a grown-up Alice trying to convince her faithless husband that she has a lover of her own came soon after. The story flowed from there.

It’s not an easy story. I’m told it’s frightening as hell and know that it may challenge the way readers think about the propensities and intentions of teenage girls. I am not shy about introducing evil as an entity, and propelling the notion of sin into secular society.

But most of all I hope that Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts is an entertaining story–something that will fill a few of your hours with both horror and delight.

I am not a natural salesperson. Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts is (finally!) now available at bookstores pretty much everywhere. I hope that you’ll pick it up when you’re out returning that unusual item you got in the family gift-exchange, or order it the next time you’re browsing online. (Isabella Moon is also available today in paperback. I know Mary-Frances has been waiting patiently!) Publishers apparently pay much attention to the number of books that are sold during the two weeks following a title’s release. I just thought I’d mention it…

And if you read either of my novels, I hope you’ll take a few moments to write me, then post a review at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Folks do want to know other folks’ opinions when they’re thinking about buying a book. I know I do!

My first signing on the tour is at the Carbondale, IL Barnes & Noble this Saturday afternoon. (I’m a little nervous. It’s been a while!) The list of my other appearances is on this blog and at I’ll also be doing lots of guest blogs this month, and plenty of interviews, too.

This is an exciting month for me–I can’t wait to fill you in on all the details as things happen.

Thank you so much for sharing this journey with me! Blessings–Laura

14 thoughts on “Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts is Here!”

  1. Thank You for giving hope to linear writers. Start at the start and go to the end. Maybe one day I’ll edit all them front to finishes I got laying around.

    Hmmm…I am looking t a $25 dollar card from Borders right now, why not! I don’t need another reference book.

  2. Mary-Frances says:

    Hi Laura,
    I’m going to my bookstore today to get my copy! I can’t wait to read it.

  3. I was surprised to find out how rewarding it is to write in a linear fashion–you have all my support, Mark! Hope you find something fun at Borders! 😉

    Yay, Mary-Frances–Thank you! I know it’s been a long wait!

  4. Tia Nevitt says:

    I loved it! Not only did I put my review up at Amazon, but I put it up at GoodReads, too! Aren’t I the good fan? Best of luck with this and I’ve already been talking it up!

  5. I’ve been out of town, but I did read (and review) Calling last week and loved it. It was very dark! I’ve also given both books as gifts to my best reading buddy. I think she’s going to enjoy them just as much as I did.

  6. Tia and Becky, you two totally rock! I appreciated both of the reviews so very much. (Becky, I confess I was trolling Google days ago! 😉

  7. laughingwolf says:

    grats laura, sounds like something i can sink my wuffy teeth into :O lol

    happy new year to you and yours 😀

  8. LitPark says:

    Amazon swears my copy is on the way. Have to finish THE POISONWOOD BIBLE, and then you’re next!

    (Wish I was a linear writer but my head is made of curlicues and dead ends.)

  9. Over there at the Borders
    in Grosse Pointe
    they had two Ravi Shankur discs,
    now they have none.
    They had two Mr. Lonely Hearts;
    now they have one.

  10. Hi, laughingwolf–be careful about paper cuts! LOL!

    Susan, I haven’t read Poisonwood Bible myself–I really must get to it. Can’t wait to hear what you think of CMLH.

    Mark, you crack me up! Years ago when I announced jazz overnight (badly, I might add), Ravi was always a huge favorite. I always felt so sophisticated just saying his name…

  11. Hey lovely Laura,

    Congratulations! I’m so glad the day has come! This is really exciting — I’ve been looking forward to it since I heard you read from it at Hollins. I agree that it’s scary as hell — sin, teenage girls, priests; you have it all. I’m going to tell everyone I know (all four people 🙂 ) to buy it. Mark is one of the four and he already has so that leaves three — ha! But seriously, this is thrilling. I know it’s going to be a big hit!

  12. Hey, sweet Michelle! P is taking your copy to the post office today–it will be in a plain brown wrapper so the neighbors aren’t scandalized. I hope you’re resting, resting! xo

  13. Hey Laura, can’t wait until my copy arrives. I plan to shelve a day to get stuck into it.

  14. lawlis42 says:

    I was really hoping to catch up and finally meet you in person in Houston but matters at home are keeping me here. I know there’s going to be a next time so I’ll just have to catch up with you then! Wonderful work and I hope the tour goes well!

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