I’m Back!

September 5, 2017 by - 4 Comments

Hello, darlings. Mother is back! (I’ve always wanted to say that. It sounds so 1940s elegant, yes?) Have you had a fabulous summer? So much has been happening in the world, and I’ve mostly been here, watching it all. Most importantly for me, though, has been time spent with my family. This was my son’s …Read More

Laura’s Summer Sabbatical: Do Carry On!

June 29, 2017 by -

    Over the past six months, these daily blogs have become something I very much look forward to writing. Even when I’m traveling, on deadline, or busy at home. Your sweet words and enthusiasm keep me going, and I love hearing about what’s going on with you, too. After parenting, my biggest job is …Read More

Daily Handbasket: Crazy Taxi

June 29, 2017 by -

    Dream: I was in a theater with my daughter watching a horror film I’d seen before. I left my seat, and next thing I knew, I was careering down a NYC street on a cab. Not *in* a cab. My butt was planted in the driver’s open window, my legs were unanchored, and …Read More