Costume A Literary Giant and Enter My Nook Giveaway at Book Riot!

Me, as a zebra, 2009.

I’ve never been a big one for costumes. As a writer, I tend to keep my fantasy in my head and on the page. Okay. That’s a lie. I costume myself every day.

There’s the Laura, Field Trip Mom Turtleneck. The I Feel Icky Because I Ate too Much Cake Fatpants Ensemble. The Freakin’ Good Hair Day/I Feel Gorgeous Jeans/Sweater/Boots Outfit. The Hey, Buy My Books! Dress I Paid Too Much For But Love Anyway. The I’m Trying to Look Like My Husband’s Mistress, Not His Wife Little Black Dress (including Spanx). The I Don’t Give a Damn If I Look Like My Grandma/It’s Freezing in Here Flannel Nightgown and Robe Set. Oh, and the Of Course I’m Not a Tourist in NYC Black Trench Coat and Knee-High, Heeled Boots.

When nice folks at Book Riot offered me a chance to do a giveaway on their (amazing) website, I wanted to come up with a Halloween theme that would give contest entrants something fun to do. (I like fun. I live for fun. I hate to be bored, which means I almost never am. Boredom is a lifestyle choice!)

All you have to do to be entered to win one of these–

A Nook Simple Touch GlowLight– is to think up a clever costume for your favorite literary character or writer. Be wild with Oscar Wilde! Get inventive with Ivy! (If you’ve read Devil’s Oven, you know who she is. ; ) Make Junot Diaz jaunty! Nora Roberts naughty! You get the idea.

Be brief.

Be speedy. Enter before the contest ends at 11:59pm Eastern Friday, October 12.

Be dead clever.

Be at Book Riot, because that’s the only place you can enter to win!

(Commenting here will not enter you in the drawing. Sorry. Those are the rules.)

Now off you go to Book Riot. I want you to win that Nook!


One thought on “Costume A Literary Giant and Enter My Nook Giveaway at Book Riot!”

  1. Cin says:

    I’m thinking Ivy would make a great stitched together Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas (best movie ever!) to match her own Franken-man.

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