Devil’s Oven, Devil’s Oven, Devil’s Oven, and My New Favorite Interview

I know. Posting a blog that links right to someone else’s site is cheating, isn’t it? I’m just so delighted with the interview of me that Diane Landy did over at her lovely blog, The Princesston, that I want to send you over there. She asks me some challenging questions, and lets me natter on about life with a writer spouse, why I write what I write, and what a challenge it is for me to face the page everyday. Plus, if you’re feeling even just a little adventurous (and spooky), Diane has arranged a fun little comment competition for…ta da!…an inscribed/signed copy of the paper version of Devil’s Oven. (Sent first class, btw. None of this Media Mail stuff!) But visit before Monday, June 11th. That’s when I get to pick the winner.

Oh, did I mention that Devil’s Oven is available in paperback, now? And did I tell you it’s GORGEOUS? Writers aren’t actually supposed to admit how much they like their own books, you know. But I’m shameless about this novel. It’s my favorite. I can only say that because it’s done and printed and available from fine booksellers, everywhere.

Where is everywhere? Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and, I’m excited to relate, independents like Powell’s Books, and Joseph-Beth. If you don’t see Devil’s Oven on your local bookshelf, please, please, please ask your bookseller. It can definitely be ordered from at least one of their distributors, and you can pick it up in-store.

What am I up to right now besides jumping up and down with excitement? Updating my website, working on two short stories, and, of course, Bliss House. Week after next I’ll be reading to and talking with motivated teen writers at the Young Writers Workshop at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. I enjoy working with teens and kids. Their writing is always original and surprising.

Please do visit Diane’s blog, and maybe even give me a scare, okay? I love to be scared. But I bet you knew that already.

Have a super weekend!

2 thoughts on “Devil’s Oven, Devil’s Oven, Devil’s Oven, and My New Favorite Interview”

  1. CarrieMarie says:

    what a lovely interview! : ) i can’t wait to add to my LB collection!

    i think it’s great that you like your own books. who wants to read a book from someone who doesn’t even like their own work? ; )


  2. Thank you, CM. You know I always count on your thoughts. So glad you liked it!

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