DEVIL’S OVEN: Get Your Full-Sized, Genuine eBook Free!

It’s true! I’m not just offering a sample. I’m offering you your own ebook version of DEVIL’S OVEN, my new novel, for the low, low price of the energy it takes to go to the Amazon page and click download.

I’m so excited that Amazon lets me make this available to you.** I wish that life were such that I could give away my work all the time. It’s such a kick to write stories that people want to read. I hope you’ll download DEVIL’S OVEN, read it, and enjoy it. And if you like it a whole lot, maybe you’ll drop back by Amazon and leave a cheery review. (If you don’t like it, please just lie down and take a nap. When you awake, you’ll feel much better!)

What is DEVIL’S OVEN about? The short answer is that it’s the tale of a lonely mountain seamstress who creates the perfect man for herself. But he quickly slips her control and begins to terrorize the inhabitants of a nearby small town. It’s a little bit Frankenstein, a little bit fairy tale, and very much Appalachian Gothic.

The a pithier, more erudite answer comes from one of my favorite reader reviews:

“Devil’s Oven is a twisted little tale about love and the many, many horrible ways it can be used against you.” (Lucinda Gunnin)

Exactly. Oh, and did I mention it’s FREE, this Wednesday thru Saturday, midnight?



**DEVIL’S OVEN is available only through Amazon for the time being. The good news is that you can read Kindle files on many, many e-machines, or any laptop or desktop with a downloadable Kindle reader app–just not on the BN Nook or others that take epub files. It will be available in all formats, including paper, in early June. I’m working on it!

One thought on “DEVIL’S OVEN: Get Your Full-Sized, Genuine eBook Free!”

  1. Cindy says:

    Sign me up for a print copy when it comes out 🙂 It’s already on my Kindle.

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