
Saturday night Pomegranate and I drove back from Lexington together. As amazing as the weekend was, the drive might have been the best part. The last half hour of our trip was all back roads running past farms and Southern Illinois lakes. We had the sunroof open and the windows down and the radio cranked up. The local classic rock station played a block of ZZTop, Queen, Fleetwood Mac, and The Cars. The air had just a hint of fall in it and it reminded me strongly of teenage nights long years ago when I would go out driving the back roads of Kentucky with my friends. It was a poignant mixture of memory and happiness at being a grownup and hanging out with my very cool daughter (who doesn’t mind it when mama rocks out!).

I have to say, though, that it’s way more fun to take that kind of drive in a newish car with leather interior, a/c (with the windows open, you bet!), non-leaking sunroof, and a Bose stereo and speakers than in any one of the rather risky vehicles I was riding around in twenty years ago!

3 thoughts on “Drive”

  1. Larramie says:

    The irony, though, is that I’ll bet you never consider it a “risky” ride at the time…just fun!

  2. Anonymous says:

    It’s all made possible by GWB.–RNC

  3. Kip de Moll says:

    We’re never too old for a good cruise with tunes blaring. kentucky sounds alot like Vermont on a late summer evening.
    And spending time with a daughter must be as much fun as I am having with my son these days.
    The world is small.
    Congratulations on your workshop and reading with a master!

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