Going (almost) Global

I traveled to London, once-upon-a-time, and did the whole tourist thing: the Tower of London, fish and chips, quaint hotel where the restaurant maitre d’ went charmingly apoplectic when we wandered in at 10 pm looking for dessert (we were accommodated in the bar), days and days in museums. We were there so my husband, Pinckney, could receive Great Britain’s Steinbeck Award. After the ceremony at some ambassador’s home (I remember the salon’s gorgeous hand-painted wallpaper that had been “relocated” from a grand Scottish castle.), we were excused through the front entrance to find ourselves a cab and the gates were locked with much to-do behind us.

Later that night, at a very posh dinner, I was seated beside some famous editor from the Times Literary Supplement. Being new to the business–a single short story published in a West Virginia anthology, a first novel begun, but not finished–I had no idea that I was totally surrounded by British literati! I prattled on about our new daughter and the novel I was working on. Skin Hunger was the title. “Oh, how nice,” was the rather amused response. I used to cringe for my young-ish self when I finally realized my naivete. Now I’m a little less hard on myself. (A rueful note: I was in B&N the other night and saw that SKIN HUNGER is the title of a newly-released YA book. I knew it was a killer title!)

I want to eventually take our children to London and see more of England, as well as Scotland and Ireland. I especially wish I could be there tomorrow, because ISABELLA MOON is making her UK debut there. But she won’t be just at Waterstones, Borders and independent stores in the UK–she’ll be in Australia, New Zealand and Canada as well. My friend Jen, who runs Salt Publishing in the UK, has promised me a photo of the book on its shelf over there. I can’t wait!

Read about it at Random House UK or if you’re over there, you can check it out here.

I’ll be celebrating this week, but, mostly, my days are devoted to CALLING MR LONELY HEARTS.

12 thoughts on “Going (almost) Global”

  1. Joe P. Frick says:

    And that UK cover is STILL way more killer than ours. You sold your soul to the Brits that trip, admit it!!!!!!

  2. Tia Nevitt says:

    Congratulations! Loved the London story, too! I think every writer has a story like that. I wonder why writers get those amused looks, but people take amateur painters seriously?

  3. Laura says:

    Joe, If I’d sold my soul, I would’ve made sure it debuted at #1. I wasn’t *that* naive!

    Tia–I’d never thought about it that way. Tell me, do you have one of those stories?

  4. I will be in London in two weeks and will look for your book. As for the Brits (I’m married to one), they have a tendency to regard Americans with a certain amusement, no matter how young or old or naive or smart we are! 🙂 Makes for some interesting conversations.

  5. Tia Nevitt says:

    My story is not nearly as amusing as yours! Just the general sort of, “Oh, you’re a writer . . . anything published?” followed by the eye-roll and patronizing look. I learned only to bring it up to proven friends.

    I actually can answer the “anything published” question, but only for nonfiction.

  6. Laura says:

    Tara–Ah, you’re so glamorous. Paris, London…what’s next? 🙂

    I think we should adopt a “certain amusement” about their little habit!

    Tia–It’s so nice to be able shoot that one down, isn’t it? YAY for you–non-fiction is nothing to sniff at. And your blog is amazing. So many people see your work, and it brings them pleasure. That’s a meaningful thing!

  7. Tia Nevitt says:

    Thank you! I’m blushing!

  8. AnswerGirl says:

    The UK cover looks great — congratulations!

  9. Therese says:

    Congratulations, Laura!

    Unlike Joe, I’m fonder of the US cover–but hey, it’s ALL good.

  10. From the other Therese:

    I love them both. The UK cover leans on the paranormal feel and the US cover portrays a woman’s journey.

    They are both Lovely with a capital L.


  11. How fabulous! My daughter-in-law is from Australia so I’ll see if she can get her mom to snap a photo there.

    p.s. Also loved your London tale.

  12. Laura says:

    Thank you, Therese and Therese!

    Everyone: Therese Fowler’s new book SOUVENIR is just out this week, and she’ll be guest-blogging here, soon, despite her wild promo schedule!

    Patry–you’re a darling! *sigh* I know so many cosmopolitan people!

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