Grateful, Thankful

I adored my visit with the DuQuoin, IL Rotary Club this past week. They meet every Tuesday at Francie’s Bed and Breakfast. (And if you know Isabella Moon, you know why the name of the inn is amusing!) It was one of the most enjoyable hours I’ve spent in a long time. It’s amazing to me how few people get to meet writers, to spend a little time talking to them or hearing them read. And, conversely, how easy it is for a writer to forget to come out of the office and participate in life–to eat awesome fried chicken and to hear about what’s going on in local real estate or on a neighbor’s dairy farm. Thanks, Connie Pair, for inviting me out!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I’ll be spending it at home, celebrating it in true Benedict style, with turkey and scalloped oysters and prayers of grateful thanks (and what a year of blessings it’s been!) and, of course, champagne. Years ago, when I joined my husband’s family for Thanksgiving, I quickly came to enjoy the tradition of Champagne Cocktails before dinner. When I told my best friend (a bartender in a former life) about it, she laughed and said that only hookers drank champagne cocktails. But drink them we will. And here’s a link to a huge number of Champagne Cocktails, though ours will be pretty basic: champagne, bitters, brandy, and a pinch of sugar.

Hope your Thanksgiving is full of blessings!