Happy Halloween!

P and I were saying this morning how much we looked forward to Halloween when we were kids. I loved the unbridled, wanton happiness of it, the unabashed drive to gather every scrap of chocolate I could, and the opportunity to be someone other than the child I was the other 364 days of the year. My favorite costume was Jeannie from “I Dream of Jeannie.” I think I wore it for 2 years in a row.

What was your favorite costume? (Here’s a cool Jack-O-Lantern video to watch while you’re thinking!)

5 thoughts on “Happy Halloween!”

  1. Corey Mesler says:

    A Jeannie costume! Golly, gal, do you still have it? Did you airbrush out your navel when you wore it?
    My favorite costume…probably toward the end of my trick or treating life I dressed up as a “hippie” not realizing that it would later still be what I want to be. Here I am 52 and wearing a peace symbol t-shirt.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I so see you as Jeannie! I have had one constume for the last 12 years or so. It’s a nice dress with a wire hanger. Yes. Mommy Dearest. Fits me perfectly!

    Jen Talty

  3. AmyShojai says:

    So–do you “blink” real hard and have chocolates appear? LOL! Love the BLOG, m’dear. My fav costume was a vampire get up, actually had fangs custom-made by my dentist (for a play).

    amy shojai

  4. Kelli says:

    Dum-dum, dum-dum-de-dum-dum, dum-dum … oh, no! The Jeannie theme song is stuck in my head!

    You, Sunshine, woulda done Barbara Eden proud. For me, there were two favorite costumes: one, the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz (I was six and wearing a cooking funnel on my head), and two, Big Bird from Sesame Street (that won a prize).

    Love the blog, L. … and thanks for the link! 🙂

    Kelli Stanley

  5. Tony R. says:

    Hey, L, I was a cowgirl when I was 8, and I liked it so much, I was one again the next year. Blonde wig with braided pigtails, fringe on the skirt, white 10-gallon. Yippie-eye-o-kye-eh. Funny thing is, I don’t remember taking any crap for dressing up like a girl. Idea was, fool ’em. Anyway, that’s the only costume I remember. When I wrote for the paper in Tampa, though, we used to throw costume theme parties in Ybor City, at this big, stately old Cuban club. You didn’t dress like a cowgirl at those. You tried to leave with one. Cheers, dear. TR

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