In The Handbasket: Andrew Peterson

My daddy was in the Corp, so I’m always delighted to see a Devil Dog as a literary hero. Today, Andrew Peterson–the guy who blew every other panel out of the water with his BATF, bomb-sniffing dog demo at Thrillerfest this summer–introduces former Marine sniper/CIA operative Nathan McBride in FIRST TO KILL. McBride is a scary son of a gun who is called out of retirement to rescue a missing agent and track down the terrorists who have been stockpiling Semtex explosives. But the situation suddenly turns political–and the bad guy may be someone very close to McBride.

Despite his own formidable hardware creds, the incredibly generous Andy Peterson uses his powers for good and has a boundless energy for his craft. Expect to see a lot more of Nathan McBride.

Thanks for–well, I was going to say “hopping into The Handbasket,” but it doesn’t seem quite appropriate. So, thanks for doing reconnaissance at The Handbasket, Andy. Happy pub day!

First To Kill is testosterone-pumped! Who are your writing heroes and what effect have they had on your decision to write thrillers?

My two favorite authors would be Ridley Pearson and Greg Iles. I also like Lee Child, Gayle Lynds, David Dun and John Connelly. I first wrote in the horror and science fiction genres. After reading one of Ridley Pearson’s Lou Boldt detective stories, I knew I had to change genres. I was hooked on thrillers.

What character in First To Kill do you most resemble?

Probably the lead character, Nathan McBride. I think he’s my alter ego. If I’d made a few decisions in my life differently, who knows… We have many characteristics in common, and many that are quite different. The biggest difference being; I’ve never dropped anyone from a 1,000 yards or been a CIA contract killer, but the day is still young!

What appeals to you about writing novels as part of a series? Do you have plans for stand-alone novels?

I like a series because Nathan McBride is such a neat character. He’s really interesting and I want to keep creating difficult and challenging adventures for him. At this point, I don’t plan to write any stand alone novels. I’m having too much fun writing the Nathan McBride stories.

Who is your most fascinating ancestor?

Probably my namesake. My great grandfather was named after Ulysses S. Grant, hence my middle name, Grant. He was tough hombre. A drinker, smoker, womanizer, liar, cheat, and all around, mean cuss. He drank his milk from a dirty glass. I love him!

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Time travel. I’d love to go back in time — without the risk of contaminating the timeline. I’m not sure about going forward though, I think that might take the excitement out of living. There are some things I’d rather not know, like if FIRST TO KILL makes any bestseller lists. Knowing that would ruin the journey.

And this from Bengal, my eight-year-old: “Do you know anyone in the Army?”

Hi Bengal! Yes, his name is Jack Reacher, and he’s an ex Army MP who travels around the country finding all kinds of cool adventures!

Laura, thank you kindly for having me on your blog. I can’t wait to read CALLING MR. LONELY HEARTS!

5 thoughts on “In The Handbasket: Andrew Peterson”

  1. CJ Lyons says:

    Hey, Andy! Can’t wait to read First to Kill–and way to work Reacher into the post, love it!!!

  2. Julie Kramer says:

    Hello Andy, after reading your FIRST TO KILL bio, I’m thinking your next book should have a macho photo of you holding a big gun…what do you think?

  3. Sorry for getting to the party late, but I just want to say:

    Andy, you can give Jack Reacher and even Nathan a run for their money … you’re one multi-talented, wonderful guy!! (helicopter pilot, award-winning author, award-winning sharp shooter … and the list goes on!)

    FIRST TO KILL is going to be first on many, many “favorite thriller” lists!! Go, Andy, go!! 🙂


  4. Thanks CJ, Julie and Kelli. I had fun with the interview, tried to be lighthearted. I like the gun thing, hmmm that could work. CJ, I love Reacher, he’s a hero to me. Thanks Kelli. All of you are good friends, I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you. I look forward to years of good times!

  5. Sorry I’m late to the party, but congratulations on the publication, Andy! I think we’ll all be seeing a lot more of Nathan McBride, but only if he wants us to. A man with his camouflage abilities would never be seen accidentally…except at Costco!

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