In Which Laura Reads to You

Tonight I’ll be reading at the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning in Lexington, Kentucky, with a hands-on writing workshop to follow. In the workshop we’ll be exploring how to turn the ones you love (or hate) into fodder for writing fiction. Technically, I guess everyone in a writer’s life is fodder–it just takes a little nerve to actually, uh, exploit them. (Yes, I say–Be shameless!)

Come Monday I’ll be reading with one of my favorite people, Kyle Minor. He’s on tour with writer Kathleen Rooney, and I’ll be a guest on their The Live Nude Girl In the Devil’s Territory Tour Extravaganza. You can check out Kyle’s new story collection The Devil’s Territory here, and Kathleen’s book Live Nude Girl here. The reading is in the SIU Student Center in Carbondale in the afternoon–I’ll revise this post just as soon as I find out what time it happens!

2 thoughts on “In Which Laura Reads to You”

  1. Pinckney says:

    The reading at SIUC will take place at 4 PM on Monday, March 23, in the Ohio Room in the Student Center. Be there or be square!

  2. Hey gorgeous,
    I would have loved to have been there! I think it’s hard for any writer to decide what to use and what not to — luckily, most of my friends love to see their exploits in stories, except one evil ex-boyfriend of my best friend (I assumed he couldn’t read, but he managed to get ahold of the ONE poem that mentioned him). Yikes! He’s a boyfriend of Christmas past now so I’m off the hook.

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