Just What Is an Inland Hurricane?

UPDATE: If you’re here, you’re probably looking for a good definition of an inland hurricane aka a derecho. The link will take you to a good Wikipedia description. Having lived through the one I wrote about here, I can tell you that it was utterly terrifying, like the biggest, wettest tornado you can imagine.

If you read thrillers, mysteries, and gothic novels with a horror edge, please come back and check out my books. Stay well, be safe–Laura


Have you ever heard of an “inland hurricane?” Well, neither had I! Seems that’s just what we had in Southern Illinois on Friday last. As I looked out our front windows–just before P and I fled into an interior bathroom–I saw trees bending in 100 mph winds. The air was filled with rain that was blowing so hard that it looked like mist. The storms cut a 40 mile wide swath through the area, knocking over many, many trees and destroying a number of homes. As far as I know there was only one death attributed to the storm–such a blessing. But the area will be recovering for a long time to come.

Internet access is just as limited as hot water for the Benedicts, so my blogs may be even more sporadic for a while. We have quite a bit more chainsawing to do around the property.

In other news–Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts is now available in the UK! (Did I mention this?–maybe I did…) Anyway, my dear friend Jen Hamilton-Emery of Salt Publishing sent me a pick of herself with the book. Thanks, Jen!!!!

Also, another good friend, JT Ellison, has news about her popular Taylor Jackson thriller series. Her next book, The Cold Room (formerly titled Edge of Black), is now scheduled to be released in March 2010. I love her FB quote: Just how many serial killers can Nashville have? Go, JT!

I’ll check in again, soon. You can always reach me at laura@laurabenedict.com. Thanks for reading, my dears! xo

4 thoughts on “Just What Is an Inland Hurricane?”

  1. JT Ellison says:

    Soooo glad y’all are okay! Hang in there. Aren’t you glad you cut your hair short now???

    Thanks for the shout out – and congrats on the UK release. WOOT!!!!

  2. Glad you and your family are okay. We heard about it over here in Oz.

  3. Hey lovely Laura,
    Never heard of such! Oh my! I’m so glad you and P and the kids are okay. How scary and awful. I’ll be sending lots of love.

  4. laughingwolf says:

    good that you all are unharmed, laura

    ‘isabella moon’ was an awesome read, thank you! 🙂

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