Laura’s New Website Soiree!

Welcome to the party! Have you checked out the site? I feel like I’ve been keeping my surprise party a secret from all of you for forever. My site’s been up for about a week now and a couple folks have mentioned it–quietly. But I wanted to have a special event to launch it because I’m so wildly excited. My friends at did an amazing job on the site last year for the launch of Isabella Moon, but they’ve really outdone themselves for Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts–especially on the terrifying trailer!

So–if you’ve already been by the site, it’s time to put on some music and get the party started. The brilliant Maggie Daniel Caldwell of AptosMultimedia has put together a terrific playlist:


Woke Up This Morning – The Hit Crew
She Got the Devil in Her – Buddy Guy
Mr. Bad Example – Waren Zevon
Little Ghost – The White Stripes
Conjure of Sacrifice – Edward Shearmur
People Are Strange – The Doors
Baby’s on Fire – Brian Eno
Devil Inside – INXS
Witchy Woman – The Eagles
Sympathy For the Devil – Rolling Stones
Devil Get My Woman – Skip James

I’ve got Sympathy for the Devil on already!

Then mix yourself the tasty adult beverage my favorite sultry poet and uber-blogger Michelle Brooks concocted just for us: (21 and over only, please!)


orange wedge for rim

cocoa for rim

1 1/4 oz vodka

1/2 oz creme de cacao

Chocolate candy for garnish

wedge orange over rim and coat rim in cocoa/ strain vodka and creme de cacoa over ice in cocktail shaker/ drop candy in the finished drink to sink to the bottom


I know I really should have had this party catered, but I was so freaked out by the fact that I sound an awful lot like Martha Stewart in the video, that I just couldn’t even pick up the phone! If I had, I probably would’ve ordered up some California Maki from my favorite sushi place in St. Louis, some smoked salmon, capers and chevre on cute little pumpernickel squares, and individual chocolate truffle tarts.

Enjoy, my dears! It’s lovely to see you here. I hope I’ll get to visit with many of you during my wide-ranging tour in January. (Pray for good weather–I’m driving much of it!) Have I mentioned that the books come out December 30th?!

Let me know what you think of the site. If you comment here, you’ll be eligible for fabulous prizes: Barnes & Noble gift cards, signed copies of CALLING MR. LONELY HEARTS and ISABELLA MOON, that $100 Victoria’s Secret Gift Certificate, and a free Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts magnet for every designated driver who requests one! I’ll announce the winners on Wednesday. (Sorry, I can only ship within the U.S.)

Thanks for coming!

(And you know that YouTube had to forever immortalize me with my eyes closed!)

UPDATE! In a harrowing test of my incredibly slender HTML skills, I managed to update my site with a newsletter email address on the CONTACT page. And, if I’m really tricky, you should be able to sign up by clicking on this link:–in which case you might get a newsletter from me every few months. If I’m feeling industrious. (There will always be a giveaway, too!)

32 thoughts on “Laura’s New Website Soiree!”

  1. Judging by the tease read of the first chapter of Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts, the web site is well attuned to the books.

    What is the difference between a domestic copy of a book and an international beyond language?

  2. JJ Cooper says:

    *Sorry, I can only ship in the U.S*

    Hey…I’m always left out of the competitions. What about your Aussie fans, Laura? I can always pick up my prize during Thrillerfest. No?

    Ok…I’m kidding around.

    Congrats yet again, Laura. I’m in a spot where I can’t view the videos for some reason, but will check it all out when I can. Have a great party and remember to give free softdrinks and strong coffee to the designated drivers.


  3. Carla Buckley says:


    What a beautiful website, both gothic and edgy, and so easy to navigate. And you’re way lovelier and more charming than Martha Stewart…

    I’ve already ordered my copy of Isabella Moon (it’s waiting for me to come pick it up!) and can’t wait to read CMLH.

    Save some chocolate candies–I’m on my way over!

  4. AnswerGirl says:

    The new website is gorgeous! And your welcome video is Marthaish in the best way.

    Bummed you’re not coming to the east coast, though — not even New York? I could get to New York…

  5. JT says:


    What a wonderfull website! You are always so much fun. I so can’t wait for Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts to come out. I’m having my own little Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts party over at my group blog Murder, Mayhem, and More. We are very excited the release of this book. I think you are one of the most talented writers I’ve ever known. Also one of the sweetest friends I have ever had. I love you!

    I’m hoping my hockey schedule is light this January and maybe I can drive to one of your apperances. That would be great!

  6. Hey, WM! The only difference between the versions that exist now is the cover. It’s always fun to have a new cover!

    JJ– I’m sorry! If I get over there some day, I’ll personally bring you a present from the Handbasket. I should have YouTube link for the trailer soon and will post it asap.

    Carla–You’re so sweet. And there’s always lots of chocolate here!

    AG–I so wish I could get up there. Unfortunately, I’m traveling on two dimes and a prayer….

    JT–Hey, sweetie. So glad you’re here. I’m looking forward to my visit. Mayhem is my thing!

  7. Julie Kramer says:

    Your website revamp is awesome, Laura. And just think of all the shoppers walking into bookstores with holiday giftcards that first week of January. Looking forward to seeing you in Chicago at Love is Murder.

  8. marni says:

    Laura, I LOVE the new site. They did an amazing job–I can’t wait to see the trailer (it wouldn’t play for me here, maybe I need some plug-ins or add-ons?) and I’m very excited to read Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts.

    The book club went out to dinner for Christmas and we reviewed our book club favorites and a few of them said that Isabella Moon was their favorite of all the books we’ve read in the four years that we’ve been meeting. Isn’t that awesome?

  9. Tish Cohen says:

    Okay I love People are Strange by the Doors.

    LOVE the new site and can’t wait to get my mitts on this book. As an aside, reading in your About Me that you’re a dark chocolate addict is taunting me, making me seriously think about converting from milk. Huh.

    Best of best with this book, sweetie!

  10. Jordan Dane says:

    Very cool new website, L. I love the navigation. It’s so easy to get around and find out all the cool things about you. Keep up the good work and happy writing, babe!

    Jordan Dane

  11. Creepy trailer Laura!!! Can’t wait to read the new book.

  12. Jody Reale says:

    Congratulations on the site; it’s so spooky! Really impressive. Do you plan on doing more videos in the future? (You’ve definitely got the hair for it.) Congrats again, and when you make it to the Today show, give all your blog fans a little wave.

  13. Laura, the new site looks fantastic. Wow, just wow!!!

  14. Julie– We’re going to have a great time in Chicago. I expect there will be a lot of STALKING SUSANs in holiday wrappers this year, too!

    Marni–Hi, sweetie! You need to have Quicktime, I think. There’s a link to it right beneath the trailer. And I’ll post a YouTube link soon. I love the library’s book club. They were a lot of fun!

    Tish–I think Maggie did a brilliant job with the playlist! Now, I wouldn’t try to convert you to the chocolate dark side–I don’t mind a little Milk chocolate and my son Bengal will have no other!

    Jordan–Thanks for checking it out, JD. Can’t wait for your latest thrillogy beginning next month!

    Michelle–It’s fun to creep out an expert. So glad you’re here!

    Jody–You crack me up. As always. (I’ll practice my wave, but I think I’m too goofy for Today. Maybe Fox & Friends?!) P is encouraging me to do more video blogs. You should’ve seen all the lamps I had to move into my office…and I never quite got the Virgin Mary out of the picture. *sigh* I need an A.D.

    Hi, Mary-Frances–I’m so glad you like it. Start thinking about what your trailer will be like!

  15. Spooky…. your webdemons done good, Laura.

    I just want to know when you’re coming to California. The LA Times Festival of Books is in April.

  16. Lan Tian says:


    I LOVED the new website! And that trailer was really, really creepy. Of course, now I REALLY want to read the book!

    Oh, and I like how you list Godiva’s website under shopping. I think that was a good idea. 😀

    Take care on your tour, drive safe and have fun! (I will pray for good weather!)


  17. Hey beautiful Laura,

    Great video and the trailer, well, that trailer is going to give me bad, bad dreams! It’s very scary — as good as any movie trailer if not a whole lot better. I can’t wait to read the book. The drink should be good — it’s always nice to have alcohol and chocolate together to save time. 🙂

  18. Oh Laura, seems like just yesterday that I was in London, delighted at finding Isabella Moon. Today I’m in Philadelphia and delighted to come to your party celebrating your new book. Can’t wait to read it. I’m astounded at how quickly it’s all come together! You are amazing (and don’t sound at all like Martha S.). 🙂 I will be looking for your new book in London (back to Paris Wed.) and will report back with photos, of course! 🙂 Congrats on the publication of your second book – very impressive.

  19. Carolyn–I would love to get out there…maybe next book? I did get a couple of bookstore requests, which was lovely. Maybe if I sell 100,000 copies next month, someone will send me to the book fair!

    Becca–Chocolate. Pretty underwear. A girl has priorities, you know!

    Michelle–I’ll say a little bad-dream shooing ritual for you, the same way I do for Bengal each night. The drink is delicious. You’re a genius!

    Tara–How lovely to hear from you! I hope you have safe travels back to Paris. Thanks for dropping in!

  20. Jon Tribble says:

    Great site, Laura. That is a very creepy trailer.

    Congratulations on the new book (and the PW review) and on Isabella Moon being out in paperback at the end of the month and available in February at Target stores. Allison is a Target fan, so we’ll look forward to seeing the book there.

  21. LitPark says:

    Gah! That is the creepiest, most compelling book trailer. I pre-ordered and can’t believe I have to wait until the 30th to read it!


  22. OMG, what an awesome website, dear one!! I played around on it a couple of days ago (OK, I cheated, and snuck a drink before you opened … sorry! 😉 ) … it’s elegant, scary as hell, literary, beautiful … it’s YOU! 😉

    And the trailer is superb. I started to get Exorcist flashbacks. You might consider handing out mini flashlights with the book, so readers are never alone with it in the dark. I am so proud of you, so proud of CMLH, and so proud to call you a dear, dear friend!!

    Love you and all your wicked scariness!!


  23. Jon–Hey! What do you think? We should all take a field trip to the Marion Target and swarm the place!!! You’re the best.

    Susan–“Gah!” I love that. Just the reaction I was looking for. I’m so glad you’re here!

    Kelli–*blush* You say the nicest things. And, yes! Imprinted flashlights. I’m on it!

  24. I managed to add a “sign up for news” update to the blog. You can go to the Contact page on the site or click here!

  25. Cynthia Todd says:

    The website is amazing!! The trailer is very creepy. I’m glad you warned me so I could clear the children out of the room. I wish I could toast you in person on your well earned success. Brava!

  26. Mario says:

    Thanks for the invitation. Awesome website and trailer. I wouldn’t mind you getting a little Martha Stewart right now as I need something with my coffee. Can I borrow those demons to get revenge on a few people?

    Good luck with Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts. Sell tons of books.

  27. spacedlaw says:

    Nice looking site!
    (I am also grumbling about the US only shipping policy)

  28. Oh, my Laura, the site is GORGEOUS!! Wow. And I need to go make one of those fab cocktails, too. Just the thing for a cold, rainy night.

    Can’t wait to get my hands on the book (and blog about it, my dear!).


  29. Mary Carr says:

    Laura: Thanks for inviting me to your party! The trailer is scary and I’m wishing I hadn’t watched here alone in my empty office building! Looking forward to the Lonely Heart cocktail to steel my nerves. Great website. I’ve marked the calendar for your reading at the Carnegie Center here in Lexington in the spring.

    Mary Carr

  30. Cynthia–Hi, sweetie! I’m thrilled you came by the blog. Yes–it should probably have a big red R-rating at the beginning of the trailer. And I do so wish we could clink glasses.:(

    Nathalie–Thanks so much for dropping in! I’m so sorry about the mailing. If I get a European publisher that will make it a lot easier!

    Mario–You are the demon expert! You can borrow mine anytime for one of your amazing novels or just everyday demon revenge activities!

    JML–It’s finally cocktail time! Stay cozy, and let me know what you think of the drink–I predict “delicious!”

    Mary–Thanks for checking out the invite. I’m so looking forward to being back at the Carnegie Center–I had such a great time doing the workshop!

  31. Tia Nevitt says:

    Please don’t enter me in your contest, because I’ve already won a couple of them. I just wanted to say that your new website is terrific!

  32. Winners are posted today! Thanks for all the lovely comments!

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