Like a Date, But Not Really

Even after several tour events, booksignings still feel new and exciting for me. Writer JA Konrath describes approaching potential new readers in a bookstore as a little bit like looking for a date. And it is, to some extent. The purchase of a book implies a commitment on the part of both the reader and writer. The reader gives up a sum of money for a promise from the writer of a good time that will last at least a few hours–more if it’s a thought-provoking book. Um–wait a minute–maybe that’s not quite the analogy I mean to offer here…Really, it should be a long-lasting relationship, years and years, in fact. The first book isn’t like a date, it’s like a first glance, the beginning of a courtship, actually, something that should lead to a marriage-like relationship, in which the reader and writer slowly grow old together, becoming fonder and fonder of one another with time. (Oh, I try and try to write romance, but it never seems to work out!)

Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon from 1-3 pm, I’ll be at my local Barnes and Noble in Carbondale, IL signing copies of ISABELLA MOON and meeting folks. The great thing about being at my neighborhood B&N is that the nice people in the cafe know I like my Non-fat Mocha With Whipped Cream HOT!

Hope you’ll stop by and say “hi!”