Monday Miscellany–Friday Edition

I’ve been toying for months with the idea of taking an Internet break, but I just can’t seem to get off the drug. So I have a plan for October that’s turning out to be even more fun than I imagined.

October is going to be OCTOBERGUEST! here at the Handbasket! Yes, it’s the dorkiest name ever, I know–but I liked it better than Blogtober. Though I have always liked ROCKTOBERFEST, which is a whole different deal.

I’ve scheduled guest bloggers for every weekday in October. Most are fiction writers, but I’ve also invited some poets, humorists, fun thinkers, bloggers and even a dead pirate to entertain and delight you! But to make it even better, I’ll be entering every single commenter into a drawing at the end of the month for deliciously desirable and hefty gift baskets from Godiva and Harry and David. (I wanted to do wine, but that would get me into trouble with the feds and I just don’t need that at this point in my life.) So I hope you’ll keep tuning in now through October. It all kicks off on the first with red hot suspense writer and New York Times Best Selling author, Allison Brennan!

(I’m so sad not to have a pic or graphic to open this piece. Really, Octoberguest! should have a logo, don’t you think? Hmmmmm.)

Here’s a trailer sent to me by Sharon Linnea for her upcoming release Treasure of Eden. She’ll be here during Octoberguest! but I couldn’t wait to share the trailer with you. It’s very simple, but far more enjoyable than so many of its kind. Nicely done, Sharon!

Remember to donate! I’m still offering matching donations for Hurricane Ike relief. Here’s the original post. So far, we’ve had notice of $307 of donations to both the American Red Cross and the Galveston Island Animal Shelter. Thank you! But remember that Pinckney and I will match up to $1000. Hope you’ll join us.

2 thoughts on “Monday Miscellany–Friday Edition”

  1. Bill Cameron says:

    I’m looking forward to Octoberguest, especially since it’s close enough to Octoberfest that I’m using it as an excuse to drink beer. Not that I need an excuse.

  2. Laura says:

    You know I’m a brew kind of gal, honey. So if you ever do feel like you need an excuse, drop me a line! xo

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