My Summer Vacation

The kids and I spent ten days in Washington, D.C. and environs this month. I took about 700 pictures–but I’ll only post a few of my favorites here. Don’t you hate it when people invite you over to see their boring vacation pics?!

There are thousands of national treasures in Washington, D.C., but the Library of Congress is surely one of the grandest.

At the Tomb of the Unknown.

In the Apothecary Shop at Colonial Williamsburg. Spooky in its sparse banality.

In the Bindery, also at Colonial Williamsburg. I loved the light we had at midday.

One of my fabulous mother-in-law’s doll houses. She does beautiful work. This one is Victorian.

My sweet Opera Poodle on the Metro.

The Jefferson Memorial from the top of the Washington Monument. I had to take it through the murky, fingerprint-covered window. It came out looking like an antique postcard, don’t you think?

Hey, my Canon also does black and white pretty well. I think Bengal took this.

Bruton Parish Church, Williamsburg.

Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery.

This is how I mostly looked during the trip: vaguely puzzled, and very, very hot. We got to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg just as the heat wave was getting under way. The water cost $2.89 a bottle, and we bought a lot of it.

How I’m feeling right. about. now. An Old Woman Dozing Over a Book by Nicolaes Maes, 1655, from the National Gallery. There was a kick-ass Rembrandt exhibit going on, too.

The book I’m reading is Jo Nesbo’s, The Snowman. More on that just as soon as I finish it…

4 thoughts on “My Summer Vacation”

  1. Nice shots, Laura! Looks like a lovely trip.

  2. KimmyDarling says:

    You know, I have lived here for 15 years, but have never gone to the Washington Monument. Your photo from the top makes me want to!

  3. Thank you, sweet Tara!

    Kim, you definitely should. I wasn’t going to go up b/c I dislike tight spaces, but my goddaughter really wanted me to–so of course I did. Be sure to get a reserved time so you don’t have to wait around w/ the tourists : )

  4. carmar76 says:

    i am one who LOVES when ppl invite me over to look at their vacation pictures. i love to pour over them. that is one thing i miss about digital photography – very few ppl actually PRINT their photos for physical albums anymore. it’s easier to just put them online. (i’m guilty of this as well!)

    your photos are GREAT and especially because DC is one of my favorite places to be. 🙂

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