Octoberguest! Jennifer Talty

One of the things I’ve enjoyed most about my publishing life is meeting new people at signings and conferences. When I met Jennifer Talty at my very first Thrillerfest in 2007, I knew I couldn’t resist getting to know her. Her enthusiasm was absolutely contagious!

This coming May, her first romantic suspense novel, Rekindled, will be published by The Wild Rose Press–though for those who can’t wait, it will be available as an e-book in early February.

Welcome, Jennifer!

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to My First Conference…

I will never forget my first conference. I got in the car with a fellow Romantic Suspense writer with an incredible amount of nervous energy. We chatted the whole way there about our current manuscripts and other ideas. When we stopped to get some food, we were beyond giddy. We entered the rest area discussing, my current project, and how the conflict felt contrived and forced. We started brainstorming ideas, without thinking about our surroundings. A man, sitting in the booth next us kept giving us funny looks and finally said, “Why would you want any of those terrible things to happen to a friend of yours?” My friend simply said, “Because it makes for great conflict and a better story.” I don’t think that man knew the people we happened to be discussing weren’t real. As we continued with our conversation, I couldn’t help notice that man was still staring at us, and listening in. Finally, I said, “we’re writers and working on my book.” He replied, “I think I want to read your story.”

During that conference, I spent most of my time perfecting my pitch and focusing on the editors and agents that I would be meeting. About 5 years later, I realized that this had been a mistake. Not that my pitch didn’t need to be good, or that I shouldn’t worry about making a good impression, but that I missed out on many aspects of the conference that could, and would, help me in my career as a writer, because that is what I am, a writer.

It wasn’t until nearly two years ago when I went to NYC for a different conference that I understood what this experience could offer me, personally. I didn’t have a finished manuscript at the time to pitch, so part of me felt as though I was wasting my time and money. I was also dealing with a small publisher that had gone bankrupt and fighting for the rights to my books. Frankly, I was feeling alone, and a bit desperate.

I shared a cab with two wonderful women, whom at the time I thought, geez; I want to know these people. But I was so stuck in my own world; I didn’t really let myself go. Writers tend to be introverts, and I am no exception. I stood in this grand hotel, waiting to check in when the same women I shared I cab with, and two others kidnapped me for dinner. Truth be known, I didn’t want to go. I wanted to go to my room, alone, and do the only thing that at the time made me happy, write. But the words of a very wise multi-published, NYTimes bestselling author boomed into my head, writers generally misuse conferences. Writing is a lonely profession. Make an effort to meet people who have something you want. So, I went to dinner and had the best time of my life, not to mention I made friendship that will last a lifetime.

While I had nothing to pitch, I met with a lot of industry professionals and learned a great deal about the business, the craft of writing, as well as learning a few things out about myself. Heck, Vince Flynn thought I looked like Cheryl Crow. That alone was worth it. Of course, the following year when I went back to the same conference, Lee Child said, “Hey, it’s Cheryl. How are you?” I said, “You remember me?” He said, “Of course I do.” Then, I got to be the snake girl at a book signing with some of the best authors in the world! Not to mention, Laura’s minion.

I think my point is that yes, conferences are about meeting with agents and editors. Promoting your books and yourself. Yes, it is about our business, but it’s also about sharing experiences, strengths and hopes with our fellow writers. Being an author can be very lonely, but it doesn’t have to be.

Thanks so much, Jennifer!

[Remember–Everyone who comments is entered to win $100 Godiva Chocolatier and Harry & David giftbaskets, plus books from several Octoberguest! authors! Drawing held November 2nd.]

Monday’s guest is thriller novelist Gerry Doyle.

11 thoughts on “Octoberguest! Jennifer Talty”

  1. Tom says:

    There are so many parts to the writing business — and it’s odd how many are harder than doing the writing.

    Equally, you wouldn’t think such a solitary pursuit would lead to rebuilding one’s social skills. But it does! As much as I want to avoid it, I can’t.

    Thanks, Jennifer. You make it sound like a better idea. Hmm. Well. Yes, you, too, Lauretta.

  2. I try and fate keeps getting in the way of my escape from the solitary. I suppose its pay back for my non-introvert life.

  3. Jane says:

    How many conferences do you attend each year?

  4. JT says:

    Conferences are well worth the time, energy and money. Not just on the business end. We all need a little time away.

    I go to 2-4 a year depending on family life. I enjoy some of the smaller regional conferences sometimes over national ones. It’s a lot more cost effective too.

    I’ve also started giving workshops and teaching. I find that I learn a lot more that way.

  5. carmar76 says:

    I’ve always dreamed of going to a writer’s conference. Everything I read about them sounds like so much fun! Work, too, but more fun. : )

  6. Thanks for sharing your experiences, Jennifer. Those connections you make at conferences really are invaluable, but I always have to fight the desire to hole up in my room. Takes a couple of drinks for me to loosen up and converse like a normal person. Well, okay. Semi-normal.

  7. Jen, how great to see you here (best snake girl EVAH!!)

    I’d never heard that before, that most writers misuse conferences, but that’s so true. And the other truth is – going with the flow and letting yourself be open to whatever experience presents itself at a conference is the most FUN way to spend a conference, too.

    Cons are definitely not the place to go to sit in your room and write.

    Hope to see you again soon!


  8. Laura says:

    I’m always surprised when I see someone pop off the elevator at a conference and announce that they’ve been writing all afternoon. It does feel like a missed opportunity to me–I always get so wired during the day that I can hardly sleep at night!

    Too bad we won’t be at Bouchercon, Jen. I’ll be at Indy next year, though. It helps that it’s within driving distance!

  9. JT says:

    Writers are definatley off the bell curve! Had I never taken the risk to open myself up to being semi-normal and slightly extraverted I would have never had the opportunity to make such great friends.

    Hi Alex! So glad to see you too. I miss you!

    Of course, I can’t wait to see Laura again. I’ll be her miniion any day!

  10. Maggie Caldwell says:

    I love those moments when you get out of your comfort zone and something really cool happens. At my first conference I ended up at an amazing Native American (Inuit) restaurant in Vancouver (unfortunately no longer in business) with a large group of poets – about half of whom were Native American (Navaho). And the best part was the appetizers – a recipe my mom made when I was a kid living in Alaska that we had since lost.

  11. Hey Laura,

    I loved this piece! I think it’s so true that writing is lonely and meeting people is so hard. One of my first conferences, an beautiful actress who was in her 60s took me under her wing (she’d written a book about acting in various television shows that fell under the self-help section) and made my experience so much better. Her kindness taught me a lot more than my workshop even did.

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