Octoberguest! Sharon Linnea

It’s hard to imagine a livelier path to writing thrillers than the one Sharon Linnea has followed: she’s had five of her plays produced off-Broadway, written for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, been a book and magazine editor, produced a successful indie film, published biographies, and has even written for a morning television show on the Hallmark channel. Most recently she’s published the Jaime Richards international thriller trilogy Eden with B.K. Sherer, an army chaplain currently on active duty in the Middle East.

Chasing Eden debuted in 2007. (Julia Spencer Fleming perfectly describes Chasing Eden as A roller-coaster adventure…reads like a cross between Jarhead and Raiders of the Lost Ark ) It was followed by Beyond Eden and now Treasure of Eden, which was released just last week.

Sharon’s a smart, inventive writer and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know her. But most of all, she’s just plain fun–and funny. I love her positive outlook on life!

She’s kindly tossed a copy of Treasure of Eden in the Handbasket, so be sure to comment to be eligible to win.

Welcome, Sharon!

The Evolution of my Secret Identity

My daughter and her friends are big fans of Hannah Montana—you know, the gawky school girl who, given a blonde wig and a microphone, is secretly a rock star. It’s my guess that Hannah’s creators are purposely playing into the widespread IOTK Syndrome—If Only They Knew. Clark Kent is not REALLY a mousy reporter. Peter Parker isn’t REALLY a struggling photographer. You and I are not REALLY controlled, polite working moms or soccer dads. There’s a secret side to us, a true identity. If only they knew.
Me? From the time I was about 9 years old, I was an U.N.C.L.E. agent. A darn good one, too. Could save the world during recess, hands down. I even wrote a letter to some government agency, volunteering to go undercover, because, seriously, who would suspect a 9-year-old?
Thank goodness they didn’t take me up on my offer. After seeing the film THE GOOD SHEPHERD, about what really went goes on inside the C.I.A,, it seems you are called on to set up your mentor and kill your daughter-in-law. That would have ruined my entire 4th grade year.
By the time I was in junior high, I was sophisticated enough to know I needed to invent my own secret spy organization, one that didn’t just provide beautiful bedmates for the good guys and shoot the bad guys willy-nilly, one in which the women were as smart as the men, one that wrestled with faith and philosophy and had a sense of humor. The secret organization I came up with was World Wide Relations, and boy, did I have harrowing adventures with my (imaginary) secret agent compadres. Being in WWF also got me through 7th grade gym, complete with horrible blue bloomers—maybe I look completely dumb falling off this balance beam, but they don’t know I saved the ENTIRE WORLD last night. IOTK!
So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that my latest trilogy of thrillers is about a seemingly-normal female Army chaplain who secretly works for an ass-kicking, world-saving organization. You go, girl!
We’re approaching Halloween, which is an entire holiday dedicated to showing your dangerous identity and hiding your workaday self. Wa-hoo. Although I admit that I am currently tickled pink to be sitting at my kids’ school meetings, with a secret little smile on my face. I’m not REALLY a mild-mannered PTA mom. I’m a dangerous, partially insane writer of thrillers.
How about you?

Thanks, Sharon!

[Remember–Everyone who comments is entered to win $100 Godiva Chocolatier and Harry & David giftbaskets, plus books from several Octoberguest! authors! Drawing held November 2nd.]

Tomorrow: Shane Gericke

5 thoughts on “Octoberguest! Sharon Linnea”

  1. BK Sherer says:

    Little did I know, as a fellow agent with Sharon in our mythical crime-fighting organiztion known as D.A.G.G.E.R. [I can’t tell you what it means or I would have to shoot you…] that all the while she was acting as a double-agent serving the WWF!

  2. I was stunned about the WWF connection too, BK. That Sharon is tricky!

    I’m so glad you stopped by!

  3. Hey lovely Laura,

    Thanks for having Sharon! I’ll have to check out the latest. Love the line about Halloween being the month (okay, I have turned it into a month holiday) that you can hide your workaday self and be dangerous. Always a great thing for a writer!

  4. Brent says:

    I’ve enjoyed the work of this literary dynamic due for some time now…I know others will love their work, too!

  5. Bill DeSmedt says:

    Congratulations on TREASURE OF EDEN. I really think this is going to be your break-out book. It’s got every thing, including a delicious tension between conflicting interpretations of “treasure.”

    Go for it!

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