Octoberguest! Winners

Thank you so much to everyone who commented during Octoberguest!

Here are the winners:

CarMar–Any book from Allison Brennan’s backlist

Carolyn Burns Bass–Amanda Stevens’s novel, The Devil’s Footprints

Becky LeJeune–Petiquette by Amy Shojai, or Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover’s Soul (or Cat)

Chester Campbell–Bill Cameron’s Chasing Smoke

The Walking Man–Jennie Bentley’s debut novel, Fatal Fixer-Upper

Ed Lamb–Jody Reale’s brand new Headlice Handbook

R.J. Mangahas–Karen Dionne’s debut novel, Freezing Point

VersusAnthology–Signed ARC from Mario Acevedo, plus a Devil Duck

Norby–Treasure of Eden by Sharon Linnea


The $100 Harry & David Giftbasket goes to Leanne Amann

The $100 Godiva Giftbasket goes to Vivian Zabel

Congratulations to all the winners. (We drew for the giftbaskets first–everyone was eligible!) I’ll be in touch soon, or you can drop me an email at laura@laurabenedict.com right away!

12 thoughts on “Octoberguest! Winners”

  1. Tom says:

    Wow! I’m sure Ed will enjoy all the good tips on raising headlice. Blood type B+, Ed; you heard it here first!

    Woot! BooYah!

  2. Viv…has…chocolate…

    Okay, Viv, you win. You win. I concede. I surrender. (Will you share your chocolate with me??) Just kidding.

    Congrats to all the winners!

  3. Wow! I can’t believe I won something. Wait. Maybe I should always expect to win something. Whatever. It was fun dropping into the Handbasket during Octoberguest.

    I’ll be back.

  4. Vivian Zabel says:

    I didn’t know I had won until it popped up on Google Alerts.

    Wow, thanks, and sure, Holly, as soon as I receive the prize, come by. I’ll be glad to share.

    I don’t usually win, so I’m pleasantly surprised.

  5. Wow! Thanks, Laura. Petiquette will come in handy here.

  6. Jody Reale says:

    Ed, congratulations! There’s no doubt that you will be the hit of any holiday party this year with my handbook in your arsenal of white elephant gifts. Rock!

  7. Hey Laura, thanks for a month of great and interesting interviews.

  8. Wow, thanks Laura. This was an informative month, thank you for that.


  9. Hey lovely Laura,
    Thanks for doing Octoberguest! I loved meeting all the new people. Now we’re into the holiday season officially — how can that be?

  10. Jody Reale says:

    As a consolation prize to those who didn’t win a giveaway, I’m sending everyone who DID win something a headlice handbook. That’ll teach ’em.

  11. Pinckney says:

    Who does a guy have to sleep with to win a prize at this blog?

  12. Jody Reale says:

    Wow, awkward…

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