Reviews That Delight Me

If a writer takes good reviews to heart, defining herself by what folks choose to opine about her work, then she must also take the bad. So I try hard not to let myself believe my own press one way or the other. It affects my enthusiasm and confidence when I sit down to write. I opined about the subject last month, here.

Then again, good news is awfully fun to share! I’ve been alerted to three quite recent reviews of ISABELLA MOON that said very nice things. And they’re all from folks whom I respect a great deal, which makes it even better. (Though I’m terribly grateful to every reviewer who takes the time to read my work, no matter what he or she thinks of it. I know that reviewing can often be a thankless job.)

The first is from Art Taylor at Mystery Scene Magazine. The prolific reader and reviewer Oline Cogdill at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel ended her review with one of my favorite lines from the book. And I was surprised and pleased to be reviewed by Robert Hahn at Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine.

When P asked me for a Christmas list, I had a lot of trouble thinking of things to put on it. Sometimes the best presents are the ones we don’t know to ask for!

3 thoughts on “Reviews That Delight Me”

  1. You can say tha again!

  2. CJ Lyons says:

    Wow!!! Way to go, Laura!!

  3. amyshojai says:

    Fantastic! You go, girl!

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