Serendipity makes a life worth living.
Bits and Bobs
Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold is a documentary on Didion’s life, by her nephew Griffin Dunne. Here’s the story behind it.
Does music affect you in an intense way? This is so true for me–tears and goosebumps, oh my.
Why you shouldn’t charge your phone overnight. Guilty!
Books and Film and Such
While I think October is a bit early for a best-of list, here’s Publisher’s Weekly’s list for 2017
One of my favorite websites for creepy facts and new creepy books. The Lineup.
I saw Anna Faris’s memoir in Target the other day, but it just seemed too sad.
If you’re not watching Tin Star with Tim Roth, then you need to start immediately. Love this Rolling Stone interview with him.
A Halloween Zebra and a Spooky Prize too! You’ve got until midnight to pop over to Wednesday’s post to share your favorite Halloween costume and perhaps win a copy of the fab gothic anthology DEAD ENDS.
Yes, music affects me intensely and physically. It makes it hard to go to concerts, even more staid events like artsy-fartsy symphony productions. Embarrassing. But after reading the little article, maybe it just means I’m in a small class of unique people!
Try not to be embarrassed. It just means we enjoy music even more than other people. My first pop concert was Mac Davis at the Kentucky State Fair with my parents. I still marvel at the transcendence of the experience. And it was Mac Davis, lol!