Saturday Serendipity, 21 October 2017

Every Saturday, Rain or Shine

Serendipity makes a life worth living.


Bits and Bobs Links

Tinder mimics mating behavior of early humans. Go figure.

Are we really always being secretly recorded?

It’s now legal to liquefy corpses in California! (I’ve always wanted to fertilize my garden.)

The Best Restaurant in the World is in Yorkshire, England.

Sad alert. Woman’s heart literally breaks after her beloved Yorkie dies.

Librarian silliness: Librarians or Kardashians–who wore it better?


Books and Such

NO ONE KNOWS, a delicious suspense novel by J.T. Ellison is available at a very in-the-know price: $1.99 ebook, and  $9.09 audio mp3

My favorite post from this week is all about the Art Gallery of Toronto and Guillermo del Toro.

Want to write, and write very, very fast? NaNoWriMo may be right for you.

3 thoughts on “Saturday Serendipity, 21 October 2017”

  1. Priscilla says:

    Did you mean a different link for the Art Gallery of Toronto?

    I’m all for liquid cremation, sounds like it’s much more environmentally friendly. And medical schools, I like the idea of med students practicing on dead bodies rather than learn-as-you-go on live ones!:-)

    1. Laura Benedict says:

      Yes, I did! It’s fixed now. Thanks for the heads-up. 😊

      All I can think of w/ the liquid cremation is that murderers sometimes dissolve bodies.

      1. Priscilla says:

        Dissolving bodies, yeah, my head thinks like that, too. But I’m trying to be optimistic and think legal liquid cremation and med schools.:-)

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