Saturday Serendipity, 18 November 2017


Every Saturday, Rain or Shine

Serendipity makes a life worth living.


Greetings, my dears! I’ve been in the editing lair with my head down, second jammies on (yoga pants, hoodie, Uggs), and faithful pups at my feet. My apologies for not being in touch. Links are tardy today, but I hope you find something fun.

(If you’re in the States, how are your Thanksgiving plans coming? We’re having 15 at our house. Smoked turkey breasts arrived yesterday, but I’m (grocery store) hunting for a fresh one today.)


Bits and Bobs

Crazy American laws in fun pics.

Liz Smith, gossip doyen and classy chick, died at 94 this week. Tribute by Roger Friedman

Speaking of gossip: Loving the fashion kerfuffle over new VF editor Radhika Jones’ foxy tights at Condé Nast, home of Vanity Fair and Vogue.

Billy the Kid and Pat Garrett in one newly discovered tintype. Historical awesomeness.

This. Shark. Is. Terrifying.

Hammy, a Canadian deer, will surely attract the ladies with his handsome purple hammock hat.


Books and Films and Such

I don’t know that I’ll bother to see the new Justice League film, but I’m putting these LEGO on my Christmas list. A girl can never have too many LEGO!

DEAD ENDS, the amazing gothic anthology edited by J.T. Ellison, is .99 on all ebook formats. It contains my story, Stone Angels, and so many other great stories. (I want everyone to read it!!!)

My love letter to a Burning Bush. (Okay, not exactly a letter. More like a photo essay.)

Prolific writer and teacher, James Scott Bell, on the power of rejection.

Get to know the Familiar Legacy series with Trouble the black cat detective for free, before SMALL TOWN TROUBLE comes out on January 8th. Pre-order here, then pick up both FAMILIAR TROUBLE (Carolyn Haines) and TROUBLE UNDER THE MISTLETOE (Rebecca Barrett) in ebook form for FREE!

3 thoughts on “Saturday Serendipity, 18 November 2017”

  1. Priscilla says:

    We have a cold front coming through. Gimme some of those foxy tights. Foxes, sharks, Martians, I don’t care what’s on ’em as long as they’re warm. And don’t you feel kinda bad for Ms. Jones? There is more about her tights than there is about her vision for the magazine, her opinion on management structure, or her statement on the magazine’s finances . . . and folks are yakking about her TIGHTS? (Am I missing something? It’s just that her outfit seems so insignificant compared to the meaty stuff in my opinion.)

    1. Laura Benedict says:

      All good questions, Priscilla! But the media always goes for the lowest common denominator, and Anna Wintour gawping at the woman’s unusual tights makes good visual copy. I’m very curious about what direction she’ll take the magazine in, too.

      Sign me up for foxy tights as well. Here’s a link to them at–looks like they were available in 2013.

  2. skyecaitlin says:

    Your black cat book sounds awesome. I will read Dead Ends, soon. I never cook Thanksgiving any more, but I will be a guess amid a ‘boisterous group. It’s sunnny but windy and brrrrrr. Enjoy your Sunday, and I would adore ‘foxy tights.’

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