8 thoughts on “Say Cheese II”

  1. wow, great photo Laura! wonder if he could do something with me:) Roberta

  2. Tia Nevitt says:

    Very nice, thoughtful-looking pose. I like the new haircut!

  3. AnswerGirl says:

    You look FAAABulous!

  4. Pinckney says:

    I love this one, as who would not? and who would not love any picture of you? – but now post the Jody Foster one!

  5. Great photo, you look fantastic.

  6. Hey gorgeous Laura,

    I love this picture! It’s so beautiful and classic. You could not take a bad picture, I’m thinking.

  7. Laura, that’s a fabulous author photo if I’ve ever seen one! Wonderful!

  8. Maggie says:

    I love the look in your eyes more than anything. This one is a keeper. -M

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