Shiny Object Saturday: My Magical Front Door

I’m not even going to show you a photo of our old front door. It was green and ugly and had no glass. When we started this latest remodeling project, the contractor said that he thought the door was fine–it just needed to be painted. He didn’t seem to notice that it belonged on a pseudo-Colonial cottage, and not (even) on our loooong, then-cedar-panelled ranch house. But I digress.

Our new door speaks to my heart. It lets in light. It’s cheerful. It’s stained a lovely oak color. It makes me happy all day long. (Just ignore the satellite cable running along the top–it will be tucked into the attic.)

One thing remains true, though. Someone is always on the wrong side of the door!

One thought on “Shiny Object Saturday: My Magical Front Door”

  1. Oh, Laura, I have a thing for doors. They are the windows to a house’s soul. Or something like that. So they cannot be ugly!

    Your new one is just lovely. The feeling is so warm and inviting, I want to not only visit but stay indefinitely. Er, if you have out-of-town people coming for the holidays, you might want to remember that.

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