Stop Motion

For years I’ve been a fan of stop motion animation. Not just Wallace and Gromit, but The Brothers Quay, Jan Svankmajer, et al.

My first efforts were years ago–lost now, of course. I think they’re still on a 3.5″ floppy disk somewhere. One was of a Barbie doll climbing up to take a ride on a giant wooden shore bird. The other was a Brio train extravaganza. The trains belonged to my son, who was maybe four at the time. He’s almost 13, now. Monday, we spent several hours playing with iStopMotion software.

“The Dangerous Walk” is primitive. Natural light, unsteady props, the occasional hand and smiling human face. We had a great time learning and playing.

Next up–a Lego Monster theme video. Then I want to do a longer Halloween film. I love the spooky, you know.

One thought on “Stop Motion”

  1. Maggie says:

    Nice work! can’t wait to see the next. . .

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