Since I took the summer off I have quite a few photos I haven’t shared on the blog. These are from a lovely summer Sunday I spent in Cincinnati, my home town, with my parents. Most are from the riverfront park. There are some amazing multi-person swings that sit on a ridge overlooking the river, but they were very busy. Someday I’ll go back in the middle of the winter so I can sit on one!
BTW–There was a mix-up over on the Familiar Legacy blog, so I won’t be there today, as I thought. But there is a fun new post by another Trouble author!

Looking back at the city.

What a beautiful spot for a wedding.

Trolley time.

Steps up to the bridge. It was too hot to walk across and back.


Such a cute maze.


My first trip on a boat was on the Ohio when I was 5. It was terrifying.

Riverboat from Nashville.

Fancy irises?

Such a view.

Honeybee feast.

I always forget the name of this bridge.

Party boat.
Lovely photos of states I’ve never visited. I adore boats, Laura.
Ohio has a little bit of everything. Except ocean, desert, and mountains. Hills, but no mountains. I’ve always wished I liked boats more. They’re great in theory, but I dislike being surrounded by water. Have you ever had a boat?
I have never owned a boat, but it was my husband’s dream—to have a sail boat and just take off in it. Many of my friends had boats ( all types), and I spent week ends on cabin cruisers and traveled ion the Atlantic Coast. It can be lovely when weather and undertows are cooperative. The rivers are a bit tricky, however, there are currents that I never expected. Lakes are heavenly.
Laura, loved your photo display. Cincinnati is a lovely place. I’ll put it on my bucket list of places I plan to tour in the U. S. And I’ll look forward to your Familiar Legacy blog.
Yes, you must see Cincinnati. I enjoyed your pics from your recent cross-country trip!
Great pics…I also am from Cincy. Fun to see.
I had no idea. Glad you liked them. It’s a very photogenic city, and so much interesting architecture.