My Secret Love’s No Secret Anymore

June 19, 2008 by - 7 Comments

I came home today to find the package containing the proposed cover for CALLING MR LONELY HEARTS in my kitchen, waiting for me. There was a brief moment when I didn’t think I could bear to open it. What if I didn’t like it? What if I thought it should be changed? Would I be …Read More

Big Chaos, Little Package

May 9, 2008 by - 7 Comments

I was all set to write about entropy today, but the subject suddenly feels rather depressing to me. Entropy isn’t much fun at all, is it? Entropy is creeping chaos. Ew. I prefer my chaos to be more straightforward than that! So, meet Scout. Scout is a ten week-old black and tan rat terrier mix …Read More

The Reveal

March 28, 2008 by - 3 Comments

Today I mentioned to Pinckney that I’m currently working to make a couple of the central characters in CALLING MR. LONELY HEARTS a little more sympathetic when they’re first introduced. He said that he was doing the same thing for the screenplay he’s working on. We agreed that we need to show that our characters …Read More

Film 101: The Third Man

March 23, 2008 by -

What better way to spend a Saturday evening than dyeing Easter eggs and watching Joseph Cotten and Orson Welles in The Third Man? Carol Reed’s Brit noir film gets better with each viewing–whether one is pulled in by the stunning cinematography and sharp editing, Graham Greene’s atmospheric story that tiptoes between the gritty aftermath of …Read More


February 29, 2008 by - 4 Comments

THIS young man is not the audience for my newly completed novel, CALLING MR LONELY HEARTS! I’m pleased to say that I just today submitted the manuscript of CALLING MR LONELY HEARTS to Ballantine. The scheduled release is Spring 2009. It seems like a very long time to wait. When I finished writing ISABELLA MOON, …Read More


December 17, 2007 by -

CALLING MR LONELY HEARTS, the novel I’m working on now, is filled with birds. I’m not sure how they came to be there, or why. I could explore the subject, but I’d rather leave it for a reader to discover. Writers are notoriously bad diviners of meaning in their work. I love wild birds. I …Read More

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