The Rainy January

I’ve been in an introspective frame of mind of late. Sometime around 2:30 this morning I finally completed the first draft of my latest novel, so I guess introspection has actually been required. The earliest file date I can find for this story is late November, 2008–which means I’ve been at work on it for well over year.

Back in late 2005, I gave myself one year to write ISABELLA MOON, and pretty much nailed it, give or take a few weeks for initial revisions. This year, in addition to working on the novel and touring for CALLING MR. LONELY HEARTS, Pinckney and I edited the amazing (IMHO!) SURREAL SOUTH 2009, and sent our oldest off to college a year early. In September, I started the Wardrobe by Sam blog. Excuses? Nah. Just life. A really full, fun, never-dull life.

But you know how there are those things that kind of make you just stop and wonder? Yesterday, the rain continued for a third day here, and I found myself entertaining the dogs out on the concrete pad in the driveway (We could park several large RVs out there–we kind of wonder what the people who poured it were thinking. Rocket launching?).

This is what I saw when I looked down:

Could only have been better if there had been a raptor perched in one of the trees….
This Wednesday, the 27th, writer Kelli Stanley will drop by for an interview about her kick-ass new thriller City of Dragons. You’re going to want to read this book.

7 thoughts on “The Rainy January”

  1. Tia says:

    That’s rain? Wow. Those are some amazing pictures.

  2. AnswerGirl says:

    Congratulations on finishing the book! Can’t wait to read it.

    It’s raining here too, which is most unusual and nowhere near as picturesque as your rain.

  3. Hey, Tia and Clair–I should probably credit my driveway! Such strange reflections. I’m thinking they would make spooky bookcovers. You know what I sucker I am for spooky. 🙂

  4. mszeballos says:

    Really enjoyed this read. If we forget to look down we miss a lot too it seems.

  5. Congrats on finishing, looking forward to reading it.

  6. Thanks so much, Alyssa. Love your site, btw.

    Hi, Danielle–Have been thinking about you–hope all is well down in that other hemisphere. Is that a new cover I see?

  7. Am doing well, and yes it’s a new cover, a Christmas Horror Anthology that was great fun to write.

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