THE STRANGER INSIDE 2.0 IS HERE (And Mama Couldn’t Be Prouder)

SHE’S HERE! I want to break out into the old Stevie Wonder song, Isn’t She Lovely. Since you can’t hear me anyway, I guess I can, yes?

This book shot was the first one I took in my remodeled home office. It’s still empty of course, except for the wall hangings. I think my new baby looks amazing with the backdrop of one of my favorite paintings, recently rescued from my parents’ basement. It’s called The Eye, and was painted in 1974, I believe. Creepy, but beautiful.

I think I’ll steal “Creepy, but beautiful.” as my own personal review of THE STRANGER INSIDE. (If I do say so myself, and for once I will!)

Please pick up a copy, tell your library about it, get several for friends. Okay, kidding about the last part. THANK YOU for checking it out and dropping by to visit. I’ll be on Cloud 9 today if you need me.

Hugs and hugs–L


One thought on “THE STRANGER INSIDE 2.0 IS HERE (And Mama Couldn’t Be Prouder)”

  1. Laura Benedict says:

    Winner has been contacted and accepted. Thank you all! xx

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