Things I Learned from my First Book Tour

Some things I learned from my ISABELLA MOON book tour:

1) Booksellers are saints. One should feed them cookies–regularly!
2) Always know where the restroom is in the bookstore where one is signing.
3) Get used to people falling asleep during one’s reading, because someone will!
3a) Try not to embarrass the person who falls asleep when she wakes up and asks a question you already answered while she was asleep.
3b) Refrain from throttling said woman when she comes up to the signing table and says she MIGHT check out your book from the library!
4) Doubt your GPS. It will try to trick you into going to the address a bookstore had a year ago and has since abandoned.
5) Never stay at the Clarion Hotel, Bluegrass Industrial Park in Louisville unless you’re looking for material for that new serial-killer-in-Soviet-Russia book you’ve been planning.
6) Allow your dad invite/pay/blackmail everyone he knows to come to your hometown signing and buy books.
7) Travel with a pillow, Clorox wipes and shower shoes, unless you’re Tom Clancy, Lee Child, Diana Galbadon, or Patricia Cornwell.
8) Say “thank you” to everyone you meet–more than once!
9) Keep your cellphone charged–You will be homesick. A lot.
10) Smile! It’s a book tour–Not a cancer diagnosis!