Unplugging 2 and Headshot Thoughts

Today went much better than expected, unplugging-wise. I was encouraged by everyone who commented. Thank you.

I decided to try the baby steps thing. You know, where you don’t say, “I’m going to make this change, and it’s going to be big, and it’s going to last forever.” Taking a suggestion from one of the articles I linked to, I unplugged for the first hour after I woke up this morning. Okay, maybe I didn’t completely unplug, but I did limit myself to only texts. That’s the way our family frequently communicates, and that’s why we all have phones.

But I didn’t listen to an audiobook, or web surf, or even check email until an hour after I got out of bed. I put on workout clothes, and took the dogs outside. It was a glorious morning: not too cool and not too warm. The dogs had a great time. And you know, it worked  out very well. By the time I was allowed to check email, I’d forgotten what time it was, so I stayed off an extra five minutes. Coincidentally, there was not a single email I needed to respond to right away. I love the bit in the article that says you’ve been offline all night, so another hour won’t make much difference.

From there it was relatively easy to stay offline for much of the day. I had lunch with a friend, did some grocery shopping, and came home to write. Unfortunately, all bets were off after dinner. I finally caught up on Facebook, but I also got some more practical things done: I spent some time looking at author photos online, and on Pinterest.

Tomorrow I’m going to stay offline for the first hour of the day. I think that’s a habit I could pretty easily work in.

Next Wednesday, I’m off to St. Louis to have a new author shot taken. I haven’t had a new one in at least 8 years, so it’s time. I’m excited but also nervous. Here are a few headshots I like. This weekend I’ll probably also go out and look for something new to wear in my photo–a top, anyway. Since you won’t see my whole body, I think I’ll get comfy and wear blue jeans for the shoot!


Tory Burch


Louise Penny


Patricia Highsmith


7 thoughts on “Unplugging 2 and Headshot Thoughts”

  1. Priscilla says:

    Those headshots of Tory Burch, Louise Penny, and Patricia Highsmith’s are beautiful, and for different reasons. I like how the background colours and lines in TB’s draw my eye around the image and back to TB (would make a good painting). The light in LP’s casts interesting shadows and give depth (even in the background on the yellow pot), but without making harsh lines on her face. And OMGosh, how do you make such an intimidating expression on PH look so beautiful? With texture and an unusual angle and a cropped head, and being a black and white photo just brings all that out more.

    1. Laura Benedict says:

      Love these observations, Priscilla. And PH does look grim–although when she grins in other photos, she looks even scarier!

  2. skyecaitlin says:

    Go Girl! I am thrilled to hear you spent your time outdoors with the dogs and enjoye it, too. Often e-mails don’t need an immediate response ( a text from and to a family member is different).
    The head shots are wonderful; I like Louise Penny’s head shot; it shows her face and gives the reader some insight. Tory Burch’s head shot is also attractive but more remote: and Patricia Highsmith looks quite unusual and intriguing; albeit less appealing than the other two. I did order LP’s Still Life.

    1. Laura Benedict says:

      I hope you like Still Life! It’s her first novel so it’s not quite polished, but it’s a good start to the series. Her pacing is often too laconic for many police procedural fans, but I find it pleasant.

      Head shots tomorrow–wish me luck!

      PS–sorry to be poky with responses this week. I need to be more mindful.

      1. skyecaitlin says:

        Good luck with the head shots, and I like how you answer everyone’s comments.

        1. Laura Benedict says:

          Thanks, hon. Always nervous being on that end of the camera.

          1. skyecaitlin says:

            You of anyone I know, should have no anxiety about this: You are very beautifuol.

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