Up From the Blue

Today is magic day for Susan Henderson. Up From the Blue, her debut novel, is finally available! It’s hard for me express to you how happy I am for her.

I confess that I’ve never met Susan in person, though I know many people who have. Such is the force of her personality that everyone who is in touch with her–even cyber-touch–falls just a little bit in love with her. She’s bubbly and smart and unfailingly generous. As head playground monitor at her LitPark blog, she brings together unique combinations of writers, readers, and critics and helps them be their better, more interesting selves.

It’s no wonder, then, that Up From the Blue is a novel full of heart and fire, the story of a young girl who must find her own way with very little help from her colorful, but emotionally damaged mother. Susan has put herself fully into Up From the Blue, and her tender touch has borne beautiful fruit.

Get to know Susan. Read an interview here. Get your very own copy of Up From the Blue, and one for your best girlfriend, too. (I hear it will even be available on the shelves of Target, which is great news.) You’ll be so happy you did!

4 thoughts on “Up From the Blue”

  1. Dawn says:

    I love the cover of this book! And the summary sounds fabulous – adding to my TBR pile.

  2. Hey beautiful,
    Thanks for the introduction. Sounds like my kind of book! Will check it out . . . .

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