What’s In Your Fridge?

Even now I should be pounding out pages for submission of book number three. Agent Susan is waiting, and I just have a very few paragraphs to go. But I’ve been neglectful of the Handbasket for weeks–and while I have a long list of things I want/need to write about, today’s subject jumped to the head of the line when it came up.

I’ve been neglecting our pantry and fridge recently, too. So, after P and I had a very fun lunch at the local Buffalo Wild Wings, we went to Wal-Mart to stock up. (It’s true. I’m not a Wal-Mart hater. Many of my friends are, but fortunately they’re mostly live-and-let-live types and don’t shun me for it. I prefer Target, but not enough to drive to the one in Marion. They don’t have groceries, anyway. This is, after all, Southern Illinois. I anticipate that the Blockbuster will close a few weeks after the Saturn dealership shutters. But I digress…). The Wal-Mart’s produce isn’t quite up to snuff, but they have pretty much everything else. The people-watching opportunities are good, too, because Wal-Mart shoppers bridge all class/race/gender categories. We are all deliciously united at Wal-Mart.

I will confess to puzzling over the food choices of the family in line behind us: two two-liter bottles of Dr. Thunder, a giant bag of Lays (which confused me because the woman buying it was wearing a faux-Lays tshirt that said something I’m too embarrassed to repeat), cheese curls, and the biggest tub of margarine I’ve ever seen in my life. So, call me a food snob. Whatever. I just wondered what they were going to do with all that margarine. Many folks would make fun of my Yo-Gos, Pop-Tarts, Mini-Wheats, and Organic Cage-Free Eggs. My family will be chock full of bad dyes, etc, but I hate the idea of those vast egg farms where caged chickens are force-fed faux-food and aren’t allowed out to chase bugs or other chickens. And the single man in line in front of us just bought one thing: Colon Cleanz. I felt kind of bad for him. I think I would’ve bought a couple more things just for cover–vitamins, paper plates, shampoo, dog food–the way I used to when I had to buy tampons as a teenager.

Overall, the five reusable shopping bags (plus 4 plastic ones because I hadn’t brought enough in) in our cart probably contained a reasonably typical middle-class American selection of food. I hadn’t made a major trip to the store in weeks. I won’t list everything here. How dull would that be?! But appearances can be deceiving. The real weirdness awaited at home.

Before I write out this list, I have to tell you that the rest of my family bears VERY little responsibility for it. I’m the person who fills the fridge, plans dinners, etc. And I probably wouldn’t have noticed this at all if Pom hadn’t said–as we were putting groceries away–“Do you know how many packages of Mozzarella you have in the fridge?”

Here is a list of all of the cheese (in no particular order) that currently lives in our refrigerator:

8 oz Feta
2 lbs. Sharp Cheddar (2 pkgs)
12 oz Shredded Colby/Monterey Jack
5 oz Shredded Colby/Monterey Jack (open)
1 lb. American Slices
4 oz Goat Cheese
6 lbs. Mozzarella (Yes,6 pounds/3 pkgs!)
12 oz Shredded Parmesan
5-4oz cups of Cottage Cheese
1.5 lbs Slice Provolone (3 pkgs–all open!)
8 oz Neufchatel Cream Cheese
4 oz Neufchatel Cream Cheese (open)
8 oz Shredded Mozzarella
12 oz Mozzarella Cheese Sticks
4 oz Mozzarella Cheese Sticks (open)
15 or so 3/4 oz Wedges of Laughing Cow Cheese (various types)
5 oz Colby/Monterey Jack (chunk, open)

Is this a grisly collection, or what? Thank goodness I ate that 1/2 oz of Brie before I made this list. It would’ve put me over the top, I’m sure.

Feel free to make any judgment you care to. I’m sure it’s a classic example of American greed, prosperity, and general thoughtlessness. I’ve always equated a full fridge and pantry with security. For me, it says I’ve been paying more attention to my work than I have to grocery shopping (which I generally do once a week because of the distance to the store) and right now that’s a good thing.

It’s also a handy reminder to check out the beam in my own eye before I laugh at the mote in someone else’s. If those people were going to dip their chips in the margarine, or the woman was going to slather herself with it and roll around the grass in her own backyard, who am I to criticize?

(Photo courtesy of PDPhoto.org)

12 thoughts on “What’s In Your Fridge?”

  1. RAC says:

    How very comprehensive of you!

    My fridge contains a box of Cheerios (I don’t know why), a carton of rice milk, fresh baby spinach, baby carrots, orange juice, lemonade, leftover rice and beans, and ice cubes. Once I get a job, I intend to fatten up again and add frozen pizzas and a six pack of Rolling Rock. Sigh.

  2. Hey beautiful Laura,

    Goodness, food is difficult and very telling. Great post! Okay, let’s see — Dr. Pepper, Vitamin Water (only Focus and Revive — seems fitting), apples, a birthday cake, creme brulee ice-cream, edmame (showing totally opposite tendencies), vanilla vodka for wedding cake martini, and some scary tinfoil with God knows what. I’m with you on the colon cleanse dude — I’d have bought anything to make it seem less, well, there.

  3. Richard, I love the chilled Cheerios idea! Do you put rice milk on them? Here’s hoping for the job….

    Michelle–Creme brulee ice cream?! Did it go with your cake? Hope you’ve had a great birthday! xo

  4. Hey, your fridge sounds like mine! I’ve been ordered not to buy any more cheese until I eat some that is currently filling the drawer, but damn if my new diet doesn’t allow me to sit and eat the stuff all day! Ugh.

  5. Trace says:

    I usually have a lot of cheese but I’ve almost run out. You just reminded me to go and get some.

    I love Target, but they don’t have a lot of food items. Not like Walmart. I hate Walmart because it’s so busy and people are so rude!!

    But they have a great book collection.

    Oh, I’ve been looking for Isabella Moon at our Target (and Walmart). Our Target doesn’t have it! WTF?

  6. AnswerGirl says:

    I bought milk three times last week because I kept forgetting I’d done it. I ran out of coffee yesterday morning.

    And I applaud your cheese selection!

  7. I have one kind of cheese in my fridge. And some wine, butter, milk and juice. Apart from assorted condiments that’s pretty much it at the moment. I do have plenty of coffee though 🙂

  8. Becky–That sounds like a marvelous diet. I was at the co-op today, and they have lovely imported cheeses–but I resisted and bought white cheddar popcorn instead!

    Trace–Did you get some cheese? I hope so. I do wish I lived near one of those super-fabulous Targets with food. We’re actually very lucky to have a new Wal-Mart here.
    You won’t find IM at Wal-Mart because they are very specific about the books they purchase and rarely wander far from the bestseller lists, more’s the pity! I don’t know what’s up with Target, though. I’m so sorry!

    Clair–We would have such a cheese feast! I am short on my favorite Irish cheddar, I fear. No room in the drawer.

    Danielle–No fruit? Maybe wine counts! 😉

  9. Trace says:

    I ordered it from Borders 🙂 I can’t wait to read it! Sounds awesome!

    I still need to get cheese 🙁

  10. I’m going to say wine definitely counts as a fruit. That evens things up a little 🙂

  11. Carla Buckley says:

    Lol, Laura. My family knows I’m a forbidden to buy one more pound of Starbuck’s French Roast until the two hundred packages already in our pantry are gone. What can I say? I’m stockpiling for the pandemic.

  12. carmar76 says:

    This comment is realllly late, but I’m just catching up w/ past posts! I have a ton of cheese in my freezer, most of it shredded, in various varieties. The blends are my favorite – you can make all kinds of nachos w/ shredded cheese blends. : ) And there’s too much in my fridge to list out – I need to clean it out!!

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