What’s New?

Spring is time to make things new, yes? I’ve put up a bluebird house in hopes that one of the bluebirds I saw at the feeder this past week will make a home in it.

I have new hair, too! Of course, now I look nothing like my author’s pic, so I can go to my own appearances incognito.

Hair can be so complicated. I haven’t worn my hair this short since 1995, when I got a haircut that my husband Pinckney quickly dubbed “Q-tip Head.” It was scarring, I tell you. I looked like a real estate agent circa 1975. But it was also during my heavily floral Laura Ashley period. (Yes, I did own fine wale corduroy Laura Ashley coveralls with enormous patch pockets. As a mother of a toddler, I thought I was just fine, thank you. And, no, Pom did not have a matching set. Though we were into matching Hanna Andersson duds for way too long.)

The haircut has been a hit with everyone but Pomegranate thus far. Bengal said, “Hey, Mommy. I’ve never seen your whole ears before!”

What’s new for you this lovely new season?

Congratulations to Dawn E. of Jackson, Missouri! She won the drawing for the second Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts Fabulous Handbasket (but if the basket doesn’t have a handle, can it still be called a handbasket?). It’s on its way, Dawn!

8 thoughts on “What’s New?”

  1. JT Ellison says:

    I LOVE it! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

    Though you don’t look like Peggy anymore…

    Miss you! Get that book done and come play.

  2. Hey gorgeous,

    I love the new cut! It’s beautiful! I’m trying to let mine grow out post surgery where it really hated me and started falling out in huge clumps, prompting the girl doing my hair a few months ago to ask me if I was undergoing chemo treatments. Ha! Not the ego boost I was hoping for, but what can you do? I can’t believe it’s spring already. Maybe I’ll clean the house today — that might be a good start to something new. Good luck working on the new novel (although you don’t need it!) and much love, m

  3. Pinckney says:

    In defense of the “Q-Tip head” description: It was only after a long series of increasingly unflattering haircuts that I reluctantly described my reaction to its latest iteration. I don’t criticize anybody else’s hair quickly or lightly, having none myself.

  4. Fab haircut, Laura! And congrats to the lucky winner of your handbasket.

  5. I love the new cut, you look great. I have trouble with the though of cutting my hair. I did cut it right off once and no one recognised me. It was quite fun for a while until I got sick of it and wished it long again.

  6. Thank you, my dears!

    This has been tax-week, and so I’m behinder and behinder–having different hair is a fun distraction! xo

  7. oh my gosh – i had those same overalls….AND i totally dressed the whole family (except for bob, he wouldn’t go for it) in those matching striped Hannah Long Johns!!!!!!! Remember the baby ones? With the zippers? Awwww….

  8. Dawn says:

    The basket is awesome. Thank you so much.

    Best of Luck on the new book!!!!


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