Someone doesn’t like to share.
I confess that I may be the laziest person I know when it comes to photography. This week I put the macro lens on my camera and hung around the garden with it. To take wonderfully clear photos with a macro lens, you really need to have it on a tripod so it can stay absolutely still. *sigh* It takes like ten minutes for me to get the tripod set up! So here are some photos taken with a macro lens that may be a smidge fuzzy. But they’re still cool. Particularly the butterfly. I stalked that poor sucker. It was very, very patient.

Boiling the sugar water makes it last for almost a week. If it’s boiled, it doesn’t get any of that nasty black moldy stuff that’s bad for the birds and hard to clean. Totally worth it.

Look at those wings flutter.

I don’t know what sort of butterfly this is. The furry bit in the center makes it look out of focus, but she’s just very furry.

Love all these colors together.


I wanted you to see the wing detail. Tiny eyes to scare off predators.

Bee on sedum.

Busy honeybee.

This is from my iPhone 5 last night. The light wasn’t great because it was porchlight.

Look at his cute tiny bumps and darling feet.
We had a black chinned hummingbird visit yesterday. No frogs, though!
I looked them up–black chinned hummingbirds are adorable!
When I was younger, my parents tried to attract hummingbirds. They are fascinating. Frogs are abundant in NJ, and Laura, I believe your butterfly is a Monarch, Butterfly. There is a very odd story surrounding that species, You have a keen sense of all life forms and celebrate them.
Hummingbirds are such dear little creatures. Except I’ve observed that they can be VERY territorial. I used to put out two feeders, but the last two years I’ve had one male (doubt it’s the same) be very aggressive about defending them. I got a little afraid he would die of exhaustion, and cut it down to one. That’s what I made up in my head, anyway. ‼️
Watch out for frogs on the road. I saw a turtle crossing this morning, which is unusual because it’s so late.